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EFEverde, the global news and environmental journalism platform of the EFE Agency, is a meeting point on the Internet for those of us who are interested in the environment, renewable energies, biodiversity, environmental journalism and sustainable development. At EFEverde we work to offer specialized, rigorous, positive environmental information, with a multimedia format and global coverage. EFEgreen …, the global news and environmental journalism platform of the EFE Agency, is a meeting point on the Internet for those of us who are interested in the environment, renewable energies, biodiversity, environmental journalism and sustainable development. At EFEverde we work to offer specialized, rigorous, positive environmental information, with a multimedia format and global coverage. EFEverde is the global platform for #environmentaljournalism of the EFE Agency.


25-november-2011-18-35-55-efeverde-launches-a-new-application-for-iphone-phones_media_detailEFEverde is the leading platform and reference in environmental journalism and information on the environment, sustainability and sustainable development in Spanish, as well as a meeting point for companies, institutions, NGOs and, ultimately, those who work or are interested in the most ecological news and sustainable development in the Latin American area.

Environmental journalism anywhere in the world, in all formats and supports and participatory.

We want you to get involved and interact with us and we do it with all the tools: web, forums, newsletters and EFEverde groups on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest The YouTube.

The bet of a large group

EFEverde is a decisive boost to environmental content at EFE, the agency that was a pioneer in creating and maintaining a science and environment section more than fifteen years ago in Spain and the first to launch specialization programs in environmental information for young journalists .

We give voice to the environment

The EFEverde platform has independent channels specializing in environmental issues and, therefore, with the capacity to project the main issues on ecology, resources, energy, environment, green science or biodiversity, with special attention to the Latin American sphere.

EFEverde Where do we come from?

EFE’s concern for environmental and social issues is not new:

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT. EFE is a pioneer in environmental information in Spain, a specialty that it has promoted from its regional, national and international newsrooms. EFE was the first media outlet to create a Science and Media Section
Environment in equal conditions with the rest of the information areas and the only one that has maintained it continuously for more than 15 years.

INFLUENCE. The flow of environmental information generated by EFE has contributed to a greater environmental awareness in society and has acted as a “locomotive” for the Spanish media in this informative specialty.

WHERE IS THE NEWS. EFE journalists have covered the main environmental events of the last 20 years (Earth Summit, Kyoto Protocol negotiations, Antarctic Treaty conferences…). EFE was the first news agency to broadcast from Antarctica, the last virgin continent on the planet.

WE ADD. EFE’s environmental journalists have promoted, as founding partners, the International Network of Writers for the Earth.

GLOBAL AND CLOSE. Comprehensive approach. The Agency’s local and regional environmental information has multiplied by five in a decade. National and international environmental news has multiplied by two.

PLURALS. Honesty and plurality of approaches and sources: companies, politicians, NGOs, unions, scientists… EFE gives a voice to all sectors of the environment.

IN POSITIVE. We have bad news, but also good. Beyond the catastrophism that prevails in the environmental sector, at EFE we believe that good news should also be told.

WE PROMOTE TALENT. EFE, through EFE Foundation and later the EFE Practice School has promoted numerous practical training programs in environmental journalism in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation, FIDA, Tetra Pak, Sigri , WWF, Ecoembes The Signus-Ecovalor. In addition, it organizes training and specialization sessions for young professionals such as the Course on Environmental Journalism and Climate Change, within the framework of the Iberclima Project of the IUCN Spanish Committee.

Acknowledgments to EFEverde: A job well done

European Citizenship Award for the communication initiative of EFEverde and Seo/Birdlife #natura2000day

European Citizenship Award for the communication initiative of EFEverde and Seo/Birdlife #natura2000day

The work of EFE’s environmental journalists has been recognized with numerous awards by public administrations, companies and NGOs such as the Friends of the Earth Award, National Environmental Congress Awarde, the National Environment Award, (Arturo Larena), Bernis Award of SEO Birdlife or the VIA APIA Award information transparency for the specialization programs in Environmental Journalism promoted by Larena from the EFE Foundation board of trustees.

In May 2015 the platform was awarded the European Citizenship Award for your communication initiative #Natura2000day, carried out jointly by EFEverde and SEO/Birdlife within the framework of the Life* Activa Red Natura project and which concluded with the formal declaration of May 21 as European Day of the Natura 2000 Network by the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council of Europe.

In 2010, EFEverde won the Mediterranean Ones Prize, granted by the NGO Mare Terra in recognition of the promotion of environmental information through the use of new online technologies and in 2011 the prizes of the BBVA Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (Arturo Larena 2009 and Caty Arevalo 2017) and the awards SIGRE of Environmental Journalism Y Ecovidrio, for the radio program Green Sleeves (2014) and by the initiative @deunvistazo (2016)

In 2014 EFEverde was distinguished with the awards of the Ecozine Film Festival, Bioculture and the Spanish Federation of Recycling.

In 2016 she was awarded the Human Foundation communication award.

In addition, EFEverde is currently developing three EU Life+ projects, Lifeinfonatur Y Activate Red Natura, both of information and communication and LifeCelsius

The online platform was created at the beginning of 2010 with the collaboration of “Fundación Biodiversidad” within the framework of its call for aid under the competitive system.

A talented team

Director and creator of the EFEverde project: Arturo Larena Larena

attached to the address Pedro Pablo Garcia May.

A specialized team with global reach. EFEverde has the informative support of the 180 newsrooms of EFE in 120 countries, in addition to a central multidisciplinary newsroom made up of Caty Arevalo , Lourdes Uquillas, Raul Casado elena sanchez , Marta Martínez (EFEverde-Murcia), Cristina Yuste , Isabel Martinez Pita Alberto Jimenez , Naomi Gomez (science) and Elena Camacho (science), Violeta Molina and Amaya Quincoces (Science and Technology). Together with the collaboration of Mónica Timón (specialization program in Environmental Journalism and climate change WWF-EFEverde), Monica Bautista (Student in training of the Young Journalism Program in Sustainability SIGNUS-ECOVALOR-EFE), Mónica Bautista (SIGRE-EFE Program) Marta Montojo (Ecoembes-EFE)


Access from EFEfuture to other thematic websites of the EFE Agency

You can also follow us on:

EFEverde blogosphere:

Other EFE Agency sites on social networks

Contact us for business issues at:

EFEverde in a project of the Agencia EFE c/Avenida de Burgos 8 Bis. 28036 MADRID Spain +34913467100 Editorial contact:

© It is expressly forbidden to use all or part of the contents of the EFEverde services, without prior and express consent from EFE Agency, S.A.

The contents of the Life+ Infonatur 2000 project are free to use and can be downloaded free of charge from the following link:

I Meeting of Environmental Journalists from Mediterranean Agencies.  Malaga December 17 and 18.  Organized by IUCN-Mediterranean, EFEverde of the EFE Agency.  Collaboration: AMAN, Malaga City Council and Mava

I Meeting of Environmental Journalists from Mediterranean Agencies. Malaga December 17 and 18. Organized by IUCN-Mediterranean, EFEverde of the EFE Agency. Collaboration: AMAN, Malaga City Council and Mava


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