Covid-19 in Antioquia: hospital red alert decreed - Medellín - Colombia

The Governor of Antioquia, Aníbal Gaviria Correa, decreed this Wednesday the hospital red alert in the department, because the occupation of intensive care units (ICU) is reaching 92 percent.

This means that of 998 beds that are enabled throughout Antioquia, 918 are occupied, which is why this measure was taken, which will apply until occupancy drops to less than 90 percent.

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Gaviria clarified that unlike previous occasions, this time the hospital red alert will not restrict medical procedures that require an ICU bed to be secured.

He also explained that the intention with the measure is that the IPS can enable more of these services, taking into account that the goal of 1,000 is almost reached, but that to decongest them it could be 1,200 ICUs. In previous peaks of the pandemic, Antioquia had 1,474 intensive care units enabled.

The largest number of people who are dying in this wave of covid 19 and especially in the omicron variant are people who have not been vaccinated

“This measure has two fundamental purposes: to send a message of self-responsibility to all public opinion, that we understand the increase or peak of this variant, but also to give the IPS tools so that we can move forward together in the next phase of increased care. and for them to take the pertinent measures in order to achieve care for covid patients who require it,” the governor said.

As for the citizens, he reiterated that with this he hopes to send two messages. The decision to get vaccinated and to maintain self-care measures.

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“I think it is a truth recognized throughout the world that the largest number of people who are dying in this wave of covid-19 and especially in the omicron variant are people who have not been vaccinated. The measure has a message, in some way. way, of urgency to public opinion, to citizens, in the sense of maintaining protection measures and advancing the vaccination decision,” said the president.

According to the latest report from the Antioquia Health Section, there are 819 patients hospitalized for covid-19, of which 365 are in Intensive Care Units and 454 in general hospitalization.

Regarding the ICU beds in the department, among which are intended for the care of patients with covid-19 and patients with other pathologies, of all the beds that Antioquia has, to date there are 918 occupied, of which which 286 are with covid patients, 45 with suspected of having this virus and 587 are occupied by patients with other diseases.

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That is, the current exact occupation is 91.98 percent, according to the Sectional Secretary of Health.

It should be remembered that in recent days, municipalities such as Rionegro (Eastern Antioquia) reached 100 percent occupancy of the 70 available intensive care units.

“Of those, approximately eight patients are from Rionegro, the rest are from the Eastern Antioquia region, some from the metropolitan area. This availability that we have is becoming insufficient, to the extent that more cases are arriving,” said Rodrigo Hernández, mayor of Rionegro.


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