Gynecological examinations, never stop attending!

The experts of the blog «Health and prevention» explain, in a new post, the importance of gynecological check-ups

gynecological examinations annual to which women are subjected have two main objectives: prevention and early diagnosis of diseases.

The pandemic has not made it easy for us and at first the fear of contagion from a health center made many women will stop attending to their appointments, to which should be added the fear, laziness, or anguish that has always existed when attending these consultations.

This review with the gynecologist is fundamental in the first place for prevention, as Dr. Natalia Siegert, gynecologist of the Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja and Alicante: “Many diseases that can appear in the female reproductive system have no apparent symptoms, these reviews will help to detect them in time, since sometimes when they appear they can indicate that the disease is advanced and therefore the treatment can be more complicated. Therefore, detecting risk factors is important to anticipate any health problem”.

On the other hand, the specialist points out that these visits to the gynecologist facilitate the early diagnosis of diseases, since an evaluation is carried out to be able to check the status and detect those pathologies that may require treatment. “Thanks to annual gynecological examinations, sexually transmitted diseases, such as gynecological or breast cancer, can be detected,” he adds.

In her opinion, different negative sensations arise in the minds of women when they think of a gynecological check-up, most of them coming from preconceived ideas, lack of information, and the feeling of not being able to place all their trust in a specialist doctor. in gynecology.

The Quirónsalud expert insists that the fear of having a check-up can delay the diagnosis of any health problem, so it is essential to always attend.

“The fear of abnormal findings often delays the woman’s attendance at the consultation, but we must keep in mind that an early diagnosis can improve the prognosis in many cases”, emphasizes the gynecologist.

To demystify a little what those preconceived and above all erroneous ideas of check-ups to the gynecologist may be, Dr. Natalia Siegert denies that these will be painful and annoying. She affirms that during the visit to the gynecologist different explorations can be done to check the woman’s health status.

“We may perform a breast examination, both visually to rule out asymmetries or lesions on the skin, nipples, as well as palpation of the breasts to detect masses, pain, or any abnormal discharge. Breast self-examination is also important to be able to detect any anomaly in time”, he adds.

An examination of the genitals is also carried out, externally, with which to check the distribution of the hair or detect the presence of lumps, infections or skin diseases, adds the specialist from Quirónsalud Alicante and Torrevieja.

In the event that the woman has started her sexual life, a speculum assessment in search of: abnormal secretions, lesions in the cervix and taking samples, for cytology or performing the Human Papilloma Virus test and other infectious agents.

On the other hand, you can make tests such as ultrasound or ultrasound (abdominal or vaginal) to assess the uterus (size, shape, tumors) and ovaries.

The role of cytology

According to this gynecologist, cytology, “in which a sample is taken that is not painful”, is usually carried out after the age of 25 or from the beginning of sexual relations, and with it, it is sought to obtain cells from the neck of the uterus and vagina, for analysis under the microscope.

“Its utility consists in early identification of abnormalities that could progress to cancerous lesions. For a few years now, the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) test has gained importance to identify women at risk of developing cervical cancer, and we recommend performing it from 30-35 years of age (or earlier in the case of alterations in the cytology), and with a periodicity of 5 years in case of being negative”, he adds.

To conclude, Dr. Siegert points out that the additional teststo be carried out by other departments, such as blood tests, mammography (from 40-45 years of age or earlier if considered necessary), breast ultrasound (as a complement to mammography), and the imaging or analytical tests that are required to complete the diagnosis.

Refering to starting or ideal age To start with the gynecological check-ups, the specialist from Quirónsalud Torrevieja and Alicante acknowledges that today it is relative: “In cases in which menstrual alterations, abnormality of genital or breast development occur, it would be necessary to visit the gynecologist before the first relations sexual. In fact, it is important for women to go before the start of sexual intercourse to have information about infection prevention or pregnancy.

In addition, he considers that once sexual activity has begun regular checks should be donealthough it points out that the frequency of gynecological examinations will vary depending on each woman.

“One of the most frequent questions is precisely the periodicity of the same. If it is about routine check-ups in a woman without symptoms and without pathology, that is, without the presence of diseases, it can vary according to the setting (public, private), the family or personal history of the woman, and her age. As a general rule, it would be ideal to do it every year, although special tests are not always required, ”she defends.

Thus, Dr. Siegert recommends going to the gynecologist after the first sexual intercourse, if there is pain during the period or bleeding irregularly, if there is pain during intercourse or discomfort when urinating, as well as a bad smell and itching in the intimate area. , lumps in the breast or vaginal lips, or with the arrival of menopause.

About Jose Alexis Correa Valencia

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