Abortion: march against abortion and pro-life takes place in Colombia - Other Cities - Colombia

The Constitutional Court completely decriminalized abortion in Colombia up to the 24th week of gestation. After that moment, women will be able to abort if they accept any of the three causes previously established (malformation of the fetus, rape or risk to the life of the mother).

The decision, described by various sectors of public opinion as historic, has generated criticism in ‘pro-life’ sectors.

(Also: The health sector must guarantee the voluntary interruption of pregnancy).

Abortion in Colombia, decriminalization of abortion

Protest in favor of the decriminalization of abortion outside the Constitutional Court.


Cesar Melgarejo. TIME

More than 15 civil society organizations have rejected the new regulations approved by five magistrates of the Constitutional Court.

For this reason, they invited citizens to demonstrate in the ‘Great National March #ColombiaDefendsLife’ this Sunday, February 27, from 10 am

The protest in Bogotá will start in the National Park and will go to the Plaza de Bolívar.

“I am a woman and I have suffered the harsh consequences of abortion. I join the defense for life”, commented the actress Amanda Rose Perezremembered for the novel ‘La costeña y el cachaco’, in a video.

(We recommend: Abortion in Colombia: Is it true that a referendum could overthrow the measure?).

Pérez, who is part of the group, showed a replica of a 12-week gestation baby, “perfectly formed his little arms, legs, face, his whole little body. Innocent and defenseless. Let’s be the voice of those who have no voice and, really, let’s defend women. Colombia is ‘pro-life’”, he assured in the footage shared on his Instagram account.

The protest will not only take place in the capital. In fact, the organization ABC Prodein published the meeting points in other cities of the country:

Barranquilla: Metropolitan Cathedral Atrium. Time: 10 a.m.

Armenia: Plaza de Bolivar. Time: 10 a.m.

Cali: Banderas Park. Time: 10 a.m.

Medellin: Park of Lights. Time: 3 p.m.

Tunja: North Roundabout. Time: 10 a.m.

Pereira: Bolivar Square. Time: 2 p.m.


More news

– The harsh pullas between María Fernanda Cabal and Gustavo Petro for abortion

– What resources fit against the ruling that partially decriminalized abortion?

– Legal abortion in Colombia: the struggle of women to access a right

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