Air Patrol organized a health brigade in Guapi, Cauca - Other Cities - Colombia

Eusebia Mountain Campaz72 years old, got up at 5 am in his house located in the path of Estero Hondo, del Municipality of Guapiput on her best outfit and went to the pier to board a wooden boat, in which she would navigate the Guají and Guapi rivers for about two hours, since two months ago she had registered to be a beneficiary of an examination and possible donation of glasses by the Colombian Civil Air Patrolwhich would reach this remote and difficult-to-access municipality in Cauca, to carry out a large health brigade that would benefit more than 500 people.

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Fifteen pilots and more than 30 volunteer health professionals arrived by air to the Colombian Pacific, to carry out a health brigade led by the Colombian Civil Air Patrol and aphidin order to provide free medical, surgical and humanitarian careto the inhabitants of the remote municipality of Guapi, Cauca, where access is complicated, there is armed conflict and unfortunately the health post does not have good infrastructure and there are also no specialists or surgeons.

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During the day that took place in a school and lasted 6 days, 571 people were treated, 65 surgical procedures were performed, 29 tubal ligations were performed, 79 glasses were donated, 160 thousand masks, hundreds of medications and supplements and the hospital was equipped with three oxygen concentrators and a diagnostic set. During 2022, the Air Patrol and Afidro will take volunteers in optometry, pediatrics, dermatology, planning, prenatal control, nutrition and surgeons, among others, to 19 more municipalities located in remote and vulnerable areas of the country.

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Health Day in Guapi

Fifteen pilots and more than 30 volunteer health professionals arrived by air to the Colombian Pacific.


Juan Pablo Rueda / TIME

Mrs. Eusebia, after two hours of processing and a thorough examination of her eyes, was the beneficiary of a pair of glasses, because in the diagnosis they discovered cataracts, so her vision, both far and near, is very poor. Among hundreds of frames, she chose two of hers, which will be taken to Bogotá, to manufacture the lens that she needs to improve her vision and in a month, you can claim them at the health center.

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“I feel very well thanks to the man who commands this brigade, because one is worse every day because there is no solution. There is no mammogram, when you arrive in Cali you are already invaded by cancer. The State should send specialists for what is not here, well, look, I have cataracts in both of my eyes and I didn’t know,” highlighted.

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“The patient’s smile when he feels that they have been resolved, the patient’s smile when he is listened to and sees the grandparents and the people who come out with a solution to their illnesses and ailments that afflicted them for years, is the most beautiful thing that these brigades leave us” , he claimed Enrique Martín, director of aerial operations of the Colombian Civil Patrol.

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