Are we or are we not sustainable in food?

The podcast “At ease with the Earth” analyzes the results of the 2021 Nestlé Observatory survey, which asked Spaniards about sustainable food. The results show awareness and involvement with the planet from the diet

Are we or are we not sustainable in food?

Variety of plant species. EFE/Juan Herrero

According to data from the Observatory recalled by nutritionist Noelia López in the third chapter of this podcast, 75 percent of those surveyed say they have modified their shopping cart with the well-being of the planet in mind. 14% have not changed it at all and 11% say they have, but not for sustainability reasons.

The question is: To what extent is the involvement of Spaniards increasing in eating a more sustainable diet?

Noelia López offers data and evaluations.

“We are becoming more sustainable and the main driver of change in the last five years has been the climate crisis,” says the expert.

Eight out of 10 Spaniards think that what they eat has a direct impact on the environment.

The fact that up to 75% have changed the shopping basket with the well-being of the planet in mind, leads Noelia López to make this assessment: «It is a high figure that shows that if until now health was being the main reason for change eating habits, now the climatic urgency has climbed positions and does not go unnoticed. We have become aware of the seriousness of the situation and we are changing.

What are people doing to have a more sustainable diet?

It shows in the purchase, but also in the kitchen.

The main aspect to which the respondents allude, says Noelia López, is the type of packaging they purchase. Seven out of 10 respondents go to the supermarket with their own bag and five out of 10 prioritize products packaged in recycled plastic.

It also highlights the commitment to local raw materials and organic products. 42% of Spaniards put local products first and 32% organic.

70 percent recognize that the price is the main obstacle when buying products that respect the planet at the time of purchase.

Also 70% declared themselves willing to pay more for a sustainable product.

Nestlé Observatory graph. Survey on sustainable food

Reduced consumption of protein of animal origin and increase of vegetables

31% say they have reduced animal-based foods for vegetarian or flexitarian alternatives.

About 22 percent declare themselves flexitarian, according to data from the Nestlé Observatory, five points more than four years ago, emphasizes the nutritionist.

Those who show the most interest in alternative products to meat or dairy are especially young people between 20 and 30 years old, up to 76 percent.

Sustainable products are in more than 40 percent of homes on a regular basis.

Although the first reason to change eating habits is still health, more so at a time of special sensitivity due to the pandemic, the nutritionist points out that the second reason is sustainability.

More than 47 percent of those surveyed rank the well-being of the planet as the second most important reason for having changed or being willing to change their eating habits.

Internet searches for reusing leftover fruits, vegetables, and bread have increased, as well as for recipes to reuse.

insect consumption

A curious aspect that the coordinator and presenter of the podcast, Henar Fernández, raises with the Nestlé nutritionist is about the consumption of insects.

Noelia López points out that 19 percent would eat insects with sustainability in mind, but not in any format or in any way. 36 percent would do it in a camouflaged way, without being noticed, as snacks, for example.

Legumes are a more realistic option. There are more realistic preferences as an alternative and not as flashy as insects.

One last fact from the Observatory: 60 percent of those surveyed would eat vegetable alternatives more frequently and 22 percent laboratory meat.

Nestlé Observatory graph. Survey on sustainable food

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