Armed strike February 23: Eln carries out attacks in various parts of the country - Other Cities - Colombia

The Eln warned a few days ago that they would carry out a national armed strike from February 23 to 26. And from the early hours of this Wednesday they began with harassment and terrorist attacks.

Until 7 in the morning, two explosions were reported, one in Cúcuta and the other in Cesar, and a blockade with incinerated vehicles on the Pan-American highway, between Popayán and Cali.

In territories such as Arauca and Catatumbo, Norte de Santander, it is reported that the community has not wanted to leave their homes due to threats from the ELN.

Explosive device detonation left 5 injured on the road between Bucaramanga and Bogotá

Five workers from the National Institute of Roads (Invías) who were in the repair works of the via Bogota – Bucaramangain the section between the municipality of San Gil and Socorro, in Santander, were injured after the detonation of an explosive device that would have been abandoned at the scene.

According to witness accounts, the package was wrapped in tape that caught the attention of the workers who opened the package.

“We have activated a box with explosives, which the Invías staff moved, apparently and as a result we only have 5 people injured,” said Colonel Franklin Cruz, commander of the Santander Police.

The injured are serious and were referred to health centers in San Gil and Socorro where they receive medical care. At this time the road between Bucaramanga and Bogotá is completely closed.

Explosion in Cucuta

During the early hours of the morning an explosion was recorded in Cúcuta, in the ring road area.

In the attack, the life of one of the anti-explosive dogs that are deployed throughout the urban and rural areas of the North Santander capital was lost, since the National Army is responding to several threats of attacks with explosives at various points. Also, four uniformed personnel were affected by stunning.

An Eln flag was left in the area of ​​the explosion, claiming responsibility for the incident.

On several roads in Norte de Santander, foreign objects have been reported crossing the roads, for which cargo and passenger transport has been paralyzed while it is established whether or not they are explosives and it is possible to deactivate them.

Incinerated vehicle on the Pan-American highway

The event occurred on the Pan-American highway, between the municipalities of Santander de Quilichao and Caldono.

According to the first versions, the incident took place in an apparent armed checkpoint in the El Descanso sector, district of Pescador, jurisdiction of the municipality of Caldono, Cauca.


The truck burned in Cauca.

In that place, men made a food transport vehicle stop, forced the driver to get out of it and proceeded to set the vehicle on fire.

At this time there is no passage on this road.

Hours earlier, around 8 pm on Tuesday, February 22, a coffin was found on the road that leads from Los Robles to the village of Sachacoco. The coffin is still on the site as reported by the community.

They blew up a bridge in Cesar

A strong explosion was recorded in the early hours of this Wednesday at the La Tijera bridge four kilometers north of Pailitas (south of Cesar). The explosive charge affected the ring road in this sector, which has paralyzed the flow of vehicles in this area.

“Thank God there was no loss of human life, only material damage. At this time, vehicular traffic is paralyzed,” said Eduardo Esquivel, Secretary of the Departmental Government.

Attack on Caesar

Since the recent attacks on the Army in Chiriguaná, Curumaní and Aguachica, the authorities have intensified operations and controls in the south of the department.

“We reject this act of vandalism that alters the tranquility of our region. At the same time, we urge the National Army and the surveillance bodies to be attentive to the situation,” the official stressed.

About Jose Alexis Correa Valencia

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