Barranquilla: energy self-generation project - Barranquilla - Colombia

Covering the buildings with solar panels to generate their own energy is the purpose that Barranquilla set for itself and that this Thursday began to become a reality with the protocol signing of the project called Energy self-generation.

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The formal act was carried out within the framework of the Barranquilla 2100 plan, which took place in the Crystal Pavilion, on the Gran Malecón, where the mayor Jaime Pumarejo, the manager of Public Lighting, Carlos Sarabia, and the CEO of the group participated. Entoria Energy Colombia S.A.S., Vincenzo Faguioli.

According to official figures from the district administration, the solar panels will be installed in 300 public buildings of the capital of the Atlantic, in order to take advantage of that sun that is felt daily.

“This is the century of revenge for the Colombian Caribbean. We are going to be able to see our cities have a significant level of economic growth and quality of life. Where we are going to predetermine and self-determine ourselves, because we are going to have a certain independence of electricity generation and we are going to have the opportunity to propose great urban transformations in the city, in the Caribbean and in the country”, said the district president.

What are those buildings?

It will give us the opportunity as a region to see ourselves as energy producers and as a pole of attraction for companies

Pumarejo explained that these buildings correspond to hospitals, schools, agencies security, markets and sports facilities, which will have photovoltaic systems with all the certifications required by current regulations.

“It will give us the opportunity as a region to see ourselves as energy producers and as a pole of attraction for companies. I’ll give you an example: the vast majority of electric cars produced in the world are produced in China. 60 percent of production in China is based on burning coal, it is not bad at all, but it means that we are making electric cars with coal”, said the mayor.

Due to the above, he indicated that the invitation that they are going to make to large producers of renewable energy products is that they come to Colombia and the Colombian Caribbean, where it can be said that they are going to produce electric batteries, but with renewable energies, to make it more friendly to the environment.

According to Jaime Pumarejo, the Energy Self-Generation project is already underway as of this Thursday and will be has two years more to catch up with the buildings mentioned above.

Barranquilla Energy

The project started yesterday with the protocol signing, by Sarabia (i), Pumarejo and Faguioli.


Barranquilla Mayor’s Office Press

The benefits of the project

In the construction stage, more than 300 and throughout the operation, more than 50 jobs

In his speech, the CEO of the Entoria Energy Colombia SAS group, Vincenzo Faguioli, highlighted the economic, technological, social and environmental benefits that will come from Self-Generated Energy.

“The economic benefits are relatively simple: if Barranquilla, Public Lighting and all of us invest in capital, they will save more than 30 percent of the cost of energy and that with our investment. In addition, at the end of 25 years, the solar plants will pass to the District”, he explained.

With respect to the technological benefits, will be seen in self-generation, in the transformation of the city, which will become a sustainable city, according to Faguioli.

“Social benefits, because we generate jobs. In the construction stage, more than 300 and throughout the operation, more than 50 jobs. And environmental benefits, because they are renewable energies”, he added.

In addition to the Entoria Energy group, which invested capital of $20 million, the Pereira Energy Company also appears as a partner in the project.

The operation of self-generation of energy

Taking advantage of this Barranquilla sun that accompanies us for more than six hours a day

It was known that the role that Public Lighting of Barranquilla (APBAQ) will play is concentrated in the formulation, development, operation, financing and installation of photovoltaic generation infrastructure in different public establishments.

The company strategically projects itself as a multiservice entity in the development of new renewable energy sources (wind systems, hydrogen, cold districts) and energy efficiency systems.

“We can be building that future by initiating this Self-Generation project with our strategic allies, taking advantage of the Barranquilla sun that accompanies us for more than six hours a day and with photovoltaic systems installed in all public buildings in the city, such as this building (Pabellón de Cristal)”, highlighted the manager of Public Lighting, Carlos Sarabia.

The official stressed that progress is being made in the solar park development that will generate energy for public lighting.

More details of the initiative

Barranquilla Energy

Render of the implementation of Self-Generation of Energy in a hospital.


Barranquilla Mayor’s Office Press

In addition, the District announced that the Higher Normal School it will be one of the first public buildings to switch from electrical energy to make way for self-generation of energy or photovoltaic technology.

475 solar panels will be installed on the roof of this educational institution, which will receive the brightness of sunlight, to generate and provide the energy that is consumed by its facilities.

These photovoltaic systems that will be installed are made up of solar modules, inverters, electrical wiring, electrical protections, support structure and bidirectional meters. It will also allow the reduction of 23,000 tons of greenhouse gases.

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Barranquilla Proposal 2100

As reported by the District this Thursday, the Barranquilla 2100 proposal is about thinking and “co-constructing” the city of the future. Due to the above, it was socialized with the presentation of seven projects.

In that sense, the Mayor’s Office has framed them within the ‘Restore, Connect and Grow’ strategies and, in addition, listed them as follows:

  • Electricity from the city’s main corridors is generated shade and power.
  • Porociudad, which prioritizes the renaturalization of public space, the network of canals and streams, increasing green areas.
  • The Urban Rooms identify and adapt underutilized spaces and constructions to create civic and cultural centers in the heart of the different neighborhoods.
  • The Vibrant Hearts project proposes the activation of underutilized environments adjacent to sports venues through mixed uses and targeted development.
  • The Five Sisters project proposes to convert the areas at risk of landslides into metropolitan parks, avoiding risks to neighboring residents.
  • The Magdalena Chain recognizes the potential of the river’s edge to create activation nodes where green areas and public space predominate.
  • The Golden Circle is the proposal for a means of elevated public transport that connects the strategic points of the city.

To prevent it from being lost in the attempt, the district president announced a curatorial committee to preserve the Barranquilla 2100 plan, with which they seek to strengthen what they have called a ‘biodivercity’.

Deivis Lopez Ortega
Correspondent of EL TIEMPO Barranquilla
On twitter: @dejholopez
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