Barranquilla: jail protests in the Las Estrellas neighborhood - Barranquilla - Colombia

The inhabitants of The Stars neighborhood and surrounding sectors of the Suroccidente locality, in Barranquilla, say they are surprised by the forthcoming operation of a prison in this residential area, without first having been socialized.

(Also read: ‘El Satánico’, alleged serial killer, has been free in Barranquilla for 2 years)

Two weeks ago, when the District Mayor’s Office announced it through the media, it was defined as a Temporary Detention Center that will have the capacity to house 210 inmates.

We are opposed to building that detention center there, in the middle of the community

However, its neighbors assure that the operation of this space, with people involved in criminal acts, could become a focus of insecurity that would be counterproductive for coexistence.

“That brings with it insecurity for the sector. The other thing is that this was done in secret, it was not socialized throughout the neighborhood, as it should be for each project. We are opposed to building that detention center there, in the middle of the community,” said citizen Valerio Suárez.

This was the demonstration in the Southwest of the city

What if a riot breaks out? Already many neighbors say they are going to sell their houses

Due to the above, the 52-year-old man and dozens of people went out at 7 am this Monday to demonstrate against the operation of the temporary prison. Men and women held a sit-in in the 108 street No. 34-40where it is located.

“We don’t want jail!” They exclaimed over and over again, while other neighbors blew whistles and another group held banners that read phrases like “No to temporary jail in a residential area,” “Total rejection! No to jail in the Las Estrellas neighborhood”, among others.

The concern of the inhabitants of the sector increases every time that around the transitory center there are three educational institutionsso the student leaders also joined the peaceful protest.

“It will be in the middle of three residential complexes that are less than 50 meters away. What if a riot breaks out? Many neighbors already say that they are going to sell their houses, because they don’t want to be close to that. Logically, the entire area is devalued,” added Suárez.

Barranquilla Jail

Authorities assure that it is part of the actions against insecurity.


Barranquilla Mayor’s Office Press

In fact, they point out that insecurity has plagued them for a long time, which is why they have repeatedly requested a CAI for Las Estrellas, without obtaining a positive response to this request.

“The community asks that this project be dismantled and that it be converted into a hospital. There is no hospital in this area. Or that they build a large public school. This is a stratum two sector where there are many needs. The prison can be taken there for the end of Juan Mina, where it does not harm any type of community, “said the spokesman for the protesters.

The pronouncement of the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla

It is located in a place that allows it by urban planning regulations and we have been talking with the neighbors

After the protest of the inhabitants of Las Estrellas, the social development managerAlfredo Carbonell, explained that the Temporary Detention Center is “a key tool in the fight against crime.”

“It is located in a place that allows it by urban planning regulations and we have been talking with the residents of the Las Estrellas neighborhood to explain to them that this is transitory, that detainees will not pay penalties there,” said the official.

He added that this will allow police officers from other CAIs and stations in the city to dedicate themselves to surveillance. Likewise, he indicated that the project adds to the increase in judges specialized, going from one to three.

“It is a tool that will also allow us to fight against extortion, since one of the claims of our merchants is precisely to have more spaces for bandits,” said Carbonell.

(You may be interested: 30 men from Gaula are already in Barranquilla to combat extortion)

According to the official, this is part of the program to expand definitive quotas in the El Bosque prison, owned by Inpec, where they work for 500 new slots.

The protest of the citizens culminated around 10 am, after having marched through the streets of the neighborhood and the main roads of the city, announcing the reasons for their demonstration and hoping that their petitions will be heard this time.

Deivis Lopez Ortega
Correspondent of EL TIEMPO Barranquilla
On twitter: @dejholopez
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