Candidates for the Chamber for Santander talk about their proposals - Candidates - Elections 2022

For the next elections for the House of Representatives for Santander there are 61 candidates from ten parties, movements or coalitions who aspire to keep one of the seven seats that the department has.

EL TIEMPO spoke with the heads of the list of some of these communities and asked them about issues of national interest, such as economic reactivation, as well as about their bets on legislative initiatives that directly benefit Santandereans.

(Also: Candidates for the Chamber of Antioquia talk about regional issues)

Luz Dana Leal, Green Party

Chamber candidates for Santander.

Luz Dana Leal, Green Party

What proposal does your party or movement have to reactivate the country after the pandemic and in the face of the employment crisis and possible inflation?

Our party analyzes this panorama taking into account the economy in the post-pandemic, it is necessary that essential goods and services be prioritized: food, developing agriculture and that the peasants are co-owners of the productive chain, health, quality education, housing in the urban and rural. The premises of the welfare state are admirable, principles of the Keynesian model such as the increase in public spending, obviously without corruption, generating additional demand to drive investment and thus reduce unemployment.

(Also read: Candidates for the Chamber for the Valley talk about challenges and proposals)

What regional projects are they committed to promoting and obtaining national resources?

Projects for the transformation of Santanderean agriculture, of sustainable tourism, which must be intensified for economic reactivation. We are rich in biodiversity and our provinces are ready to be empowered.

Oscar Villamizar, Democratic Center

Chamber candidates for Santander.

Oscar Villamizar, Democratic Center

What proposal does your party or movement have to reactivate the country after the pandemic and in the face of the employment crisis and possible inflation?

As a party, some programs have been promoted that motivate entrepreneurship and professional training, but this must go hand in hand with tax incentives so that companies generate more employment opportunities in Colombia. The need for forgivable credits for micro, small and medium entrepreneurs, which are the basis of our economy. This should be a public policy and the National Government should strengthen proposals such as Ser Pilo Pays or Matricula Cero, which really offers a future to our young people, who are the ones who see themselves most relegated and without opportunities.

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What regional projects are they committed to promoting and obtaining national resources?

Without a doubt, Santander lacks good roads that facilitate the work of our farmers when transporting their products. The first commitment is with the veredal roads, since they generate development in the countryside and benefit all the producing families. In the same way, we will continue promoting initiatives that strengthen the laws that help our peasants to produce with competitive costs.

Juan Sebastian Lopez, Hope Center

Chamber candidates for Santander.

Juan Sebastian Lopez, Hope Center

What proposal does your party or movement have to reactivate the country after the pandemic and in the face of the employment crisis and possible inflation?

Defend the Colombian internal market by renegotiating the FTAs ​​that turned out to be bad deals for the country. Real support for industry and agriculture with reduced taxes on small and medium-sized businesses, cheap credit and increased tariffs.

What regional projects are they committed to promoting and obtaining national resources?

Modernization of the Ecopetrol refinery in Barrancabermeja for a responsible energy transition. Reactivation of the Santander fashion system, footwear and clothing. Dual lane between Bucaramanga and Barbosa and a real road plan for Santander. Municipal and regional aqueducts, which are so needed. Navigability on the Magdalena River. Among others.

Total defense of water, the Santurbán páramo and other strategic ecosystems in the region. The ancestral expressions of small-scale mining must be respected and a responsible transition towards ecotourism and other activities with less environmental impact must be made.

(Keep reading: Team for Colombia: Who are the members of this coalition?)

Hector Mantilla, Conservative Party

Chamber candidates for Santander.

Hector Mantilla, Conservative Party

What proposal does your party or movement have to reactivate the country after the pandemic and in the face of the employment crisis and possible inflation?

As a candidate for the House of Representatives for Santander, I consider it pertinent that for there to be an economic reactivation, entrepreneurship must be supported and encouraged through soft loans and tax forgiveness (such as rent within the first two years), under certain parameters. that allow monitoring to avoid tax fraud; In addition to proposing that already established companies can have greater competitiveness in the market through lower tariffs on raw materials.

What regional projects are they committed to promoting and obtaining national resources?

I have always believed that Colombians are people pushed forward, with great business ideas that many times they cannot execute because they do not have the necessary tools; Therefore, I think it is important to promote an entrepreneurship law that provides opportunities for people to create a business or legalize the one they already have. This would undoubtedly boost the economic development of the country in the different regions. On the other hand, it is necessary to support the productive agricultural sectors of the country. We know that the field is extremely fundamental and needs guarantees so that its products can really be sold and generate profits.

Diego Frank Ariza, Liberal Party

Chamber candidates for Santander.

Diego Frank Ariza, Liberal Party

What proposal does your party or movement have to reactivate the country after the pandemic and in the face of the employment crisis and possible inflation?

The employment crisis can be overcome to the extent that we address the problems of sectors with high potential in Colombia, such as agribusiness, housing and manufacturing.

Direct foreign and national investment should be oriented towards low-impact infrastructure improvement programs, and thus increase the massive hiring of local labor.

What regional projects are they committed to promoting and obtaining national resources?

The main bet must be to overcome the great divergence between the country’s regions. In the first place, continue strengthening infrastructure projects at all levels, but mainly those that allow production centers to communicate efficiently with the national market.

(In other news: How is the fight for the Senate in the Valley?)

Erika Sánchez, League of Governors Movement

Chamber candidates for Santander.

Erika Sánchez, League of Governors Movement

What proposal does your party or movement have to reactivate the country after the pandemic and in the face of the employment crisis and possible inflation?

Attack head-on the causes that today have more than 22 million Colombians in poverty. The main cause that the League has identified is corruption, which implies the diversion of more than 50 billion pesos a year, which, if they were not stolen, would serve to be applied to investment and with it favor the millions of poor , which are, among other reasons, because they do not have permanent and decent sources of employment.

What regional projects are they committed to promoting and obtaining national resources?

Act as a regional caucus. The regional projects that I will promote must be agreed with the governments of the department and the municipalities, in order to ensure that they are consistent with the respective development plans and thus avoid the promotion of projects that come out of a bucket, often contrary to the real needs of the community and only conceived with a political criteria of paying electoral favors.

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