"We cannot allow them to mistreat those they care for"

The pandemic, its hoaxes and its doubts, led Dr. David Callejo to disclose through social networks. Months later the disclosure of him has passed into book format with ‘The first thing, life: The day to day of a doctor who learned to give everything’, where he recounts several of his experiences in the hospital

Doctor David Callejo: «What they ask me the most is when the pandemic is going to end»

Dr. David Callejo showing his book ‘Life comes first. The day to day of a doctor who learned to give everything». Photo courtesy of Efe/Héctor Vila

The prose of the influencer doctor of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, a specialist in Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy, invites you to empathize with the author in situations of medical work such as complications in the operating room, decision-making in seconds to save lives, the sanitary exhaustion and the happiness that the recoveries of the most serious patients give.

“I wanted to tell how many times we think that doctors can change the lives of patients and how a patient can change the lives of doctors or our way of thinking in some way,” says Callejo.

An example of his words was the moment when had to change his perspective by having to be a patient after being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for suffering a pneumothorax while still a medical student.

“It generally occurs in patients who are tall and thin. I would like to say that they are also attractive, but in this case science is not on my side », jokes the doctor in his book.

«You look helpless, you don’t understand anything, and you see how the toilets move very quickly and without explaining things too much because we do very mechanical things. I think that those bad moments as a patient helped me a lot later in my profession».

Remember David Callejo

Doctor, when is the pandemic going to end?

Via your social networks (@davidcallejo10) activates his facet as a disseminator and doctor influencer. David opened his Instagram profile thanks to the support of his students from the MIR preparation academywho encouraged him to respond through videos to the immense amount of uncertainties of the different users.

Among these uncertainties, the most demanded has been the search for a response to the pandemic. “When will it end?” “Is there an end date?” These are some of the questions that he has received the most through his Instagram profile.

«At the beginning we said that there were going to be 15 days of confinement, then another 15 were added, plus another 15 and another 15. Then we said that by Christmas 2020 we would be better. Then at Christmas we said that everyone was at home, but that next year everything was going to be normal. Something that in 2021 has not been with the arrival of omicron. We said that with the vaccine everything was going to improve, and it has, but I understand that people think that we were going to improve much more ».

says the doctor.

David Callejo Anesthesiologist

Dr. Callejo finds it an “impossible to answer” question, since putting an end date to the pandemic in search of complete normality is “frustrating people.”

“They ask me when this is going to end and I think the problem is that sometimes we have risked answering it and this has generated frustration. Setting an end date is only going to create more anxiety, and anxiety breeds depression, and depression breeds despair. This is a breeding ground for hoaxes»

Callejo account.

The writer acknowledges that the situation has changed, that we are on the right track, and that “it is far from being March 2020”. He is optimistic and believes “that there is less and less left”.

Social networks against hoaxes

He also awarded the Best Medical Disseminator of 2020 Due to his facet as a doctor influencer and one of the 100 best influencers of 2021 according to Forbes magazine, he has an important role in social networks informing and denying hoaxes related to health and the current panorama.

“The good thing about hoaxes on social networks is that they run like wildfire but their denial also runs very fast,” he acknowledges.

The number of hoaxes to deny in networks during the pandemic has been enormous. Many of them have followed the covid line, doubting their vaccines, masks and even toilets, the most viral in recent weeks being that related to the effectiveness of the tests.

«We have had hoaxes of all kinds, but the boom in recent weeks has been to do an antigen test with an orange or water and it comes out positive. If you pour water on a car and it doesn’t start, don’t be surprised because you’re using it wrong, well, it’s the same, it has some instructions to make it work.

Take the doctor as an example.

However, Callejo highlights the usefulness of networks for information as “an important role in helping many people”, as long as they are used correctly.

Andrea’s message

In one of the last parts of the work, the influencer doctor reveals a very present problem in society that has become another current pandemic: mental health.

“There is still a lot of stigma in Spain and it is something that needs to be talked about because without mental health there is no health,” he recalls.

Regarding the subject, Callejo recounts the emotional message he received through the networks where a girl named Andrea thanked him for saving her father’s life, who suffered from undiagnosed depression as a result of a neuronal pathology that causes a simple caress on the face to be a painful stimulus (trigeminal neuralgia). Expanding treatment to mental health allowed this family to have a second chance.

“Thank you for helping save him, thank you for treating us so warmly and humanely at the most traumatic and one of the most difficult times of our lives. Thank you for keeping someone so special alive and making it possible for me to continue enjoying it.”

Andrea says so in her letter.

“We need the support of the institutions«

Many other stories that the doctor shares reflect the current situation of health and its health workers. From the applause at eight in the afternoon to thank you for your great work it has gone on to “offensive messages and graffiti of ‘killer toilets’ or accused of ‘accomplices in a pandemic’».

Hospital Gregorio Maranon
Exterior view of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón in Madrid. EFE / Kiko Huesca

“You cannot consent to these attacks, which unfortunately are being abundant in health centers. We have been warning for a long time that we are overwhelmed and we cannot allow them to mistreat the hands that care for them », he expresses.

The anesthesiology specialist highlights the good health system in Spain and the exquisiteness of the health personnel, but also remember that the current situation for professionals is not the best.

«I always demand better working conditions. We have most of the personnel as interim, without a fixed position, who sign contracts for days or weeks, and this is a problem present in medicine and nursing. We need job stability and permanent staff. We need the support of the institutions»

Emphasizes the expert.

The moments that the doctor shares in the book are only part of his experiences in the hospital, which is why perhaps a second part can be read because “the hospital is an inexhaustible source of stories.” he points to him.

About Jose Alexis Correa Valencia

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