Carlos Caicedo asks for a change of registrars for elections - Other Cities - Colombia

Within the framework of an expanded security council, the governor of Magdalena, Carlos Caicedo, requested the activation of security schemes by the National Protection Unit for candidates who have been threatened in the department.

The departmental president called this meeting, responding to the early warning issued by the Ombudsman about the risk of the elections in several municipalities.

We are working to reduce electoral risks in the department

In addition, there are complaints filed by members of the Citizen Force Movement, as well as the Green Party, Historical Pact and the Pocabuy Country Foundation Social Organization, about damages by organized armed groups.

(See: They denounce that armed groups are forcing people to vote for the son of ‘Jorge 40’)

“We are working to reduce electoral risks in the department, and give full guarantees to all candidates and that the democratic process takes place with all conditions,” said Caicedo.

In the security council, several commitments and actions were defined this week, among which is changing the registrars, given the possibility of a possible fraud due to the relationship and closeness of several officials of these dependencies with candidates.

Likewise, a technical table will be set up to establish criteria that allow defining the points where will use biometrics.

Other steps regarding the situation

Caicedo also proposed a campaign against electoral crimes; advance investigations of the denunciations made by the representatives of the parties and movements, and establish which international missions are going to be present in the Magdalena. To all this is added the request to the National Electoral Council to participate in the committee Electoral follow-up.

(Video: Shocking grenade attack on a store in Soledad)

The governor of Magdalena made a special call to the UNP to attend to the requirements of those candidates who present a situation of risk.

On the other hand, it was determined to summon the Territorial Committee of Public Order to define rewards for those who report electoral crimes; weekly session of the electoral guarantees intelligence board; provision of security and accompaniment by the Magdalena Police to the delegates of the Government in each of the municipalities.

Special for WEATHER

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