Difficulties that prevent the search for a girl victim of an avalanche - Other Cities - Colombia

The persistent winter and the lack of work tools have prevented the search for the minor in a large area of ​​the municipality of San Pablo, in Nariño, after the avalanche caused by the sudden rise of the La Brisa creek in the afternoon last Friday.

“This February 20 we will continue the search for my niece Gabriela Gálvez in São Paulo, I thank everyone for their support,” Cristina Escobar, aunt of the 8-year-old girl who has disappeared since then, wrote on one of the social networks. when the serious emergency occurred.

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According to the revelation of the commander of the San Pablo Volunteer Fire Department, Second Lieutenant José Harold Figueroa, the main objective that the relief agencies have set for themselves is to find the girl, despite the inconveniences that have been recorded in the area.

Almost a hundred rescuers with the support of members of the Public Force are carrying out the work that will allow the girl to be found very soon.

“Unfortunately we have not been able to find it so far,” he assured and confessed that the needs that relief agencies currently have are concentrated in the lack of work tools such as ropes or handles and chainsaws, which allow them to attend in a more efficient way. and fast this kind of emergencies caused by nature.

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Although the General Directorate of Firefighters recently delivered a vertical rescue kit to the municipality, he added that “there are other relief agencies that do not have such equipment, which means that there is a great shortcoming.”

But the other difficulty that the lifeguards and members of the National Police and the Army are facing is that the intense rains do not stop in the municipality, “That same ravine can grow at the least expected moment, so we put our units at risk”.

The La Brisa ravine that caused the avalanche flows into the Mayo River, which at this time registers a very high flow due to the permanent rains, “what we want is for its level to drop so that we can continue the search for the girl.”

The IDEAM forecasts regarding the weather in the region are not very favorable, according to the commander “it seems that much more intense rains could occur in the afternoon hours of this Sunday, then we would have to suspend the search.”

For now, the rescuers of the Fire Department, Civil Defense and the National Army are advancing in the search tasks, as long as the weather conditions allow it in three different areas that have been identified; the first covers from the Los Samanes bridge, where the girl disappeared, to El Cementerio; the second goes from El Cementerio to the La Represa sector and the third from La Represa to La Chorrera.

The preliminary balance

According to the preliminary balance that the authorities have managed to establish, the emergency in that Nariño locality leaves 16 neighborhoods affected, 350 homes with damage, in 12 villages there are difficulties in communication routes and the aqueduct that supplies the population is also out of service. , so now the water is supplied to the inhabitants with tank trucks.

Emergency in São Paulo

The authorities have faced difficulties in finding the minor.


Colombian National Army

The governor of Nariño, Jhon Rojas, who has been in this town in the north of the department since Saturday, said that “we call for solidarity since the nursing home is affected and the elderly are currently in the parish house” .

He pointed out that the population at risk was temporarily transferred to the Normal School, while progress is being made in reestablishing the drinking water service.

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“A technical visit is made to determine the possibility of the community’s return, as long as there is no risk of possible new landslides,” said the sectional president.

From the city of Pasto, a tank car from the Fire Department with a capacity of 2,700 gallons was mobilized on Saturdayas well as 2 dump trucks and 1 platoon from the 23rd Engineer Battalion, in order to help with the cleaning of the roads and homes.

Milena Ortega, the owner of a store who was able to watch helplessly as the force of the current from the creek passed through her house, dragging as many motorcycles and bicycles as it found in its path, commented that “we had never seen this here before, it was horrible because it did not stop to rain and many of the neighbors tried to recover their motorcycles but they could not”.


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