Does dry eye drive you crazy?: advice from an ophthalmologist

Do you have problems with your eyes? could you have dry eye? The experts of the blog «Health and prevention», in this post from the specialty of ophthalmology, offer you advice

The eyes need to be lubricated by tears in order to function properly and be healthy. If not, discomfort and even a pathology known as ‘dry eye’ appear.

This occurs when the eyes are not sufficiently protected by tears, either because they produce enough, or because they do not have the right composition.

Dry eye represents an increasingly frequent problem, apart from being one of the pathologies that are studied the most in consultation, according to Dr. Nabil Ragaei Kamel, head of the Ophthalmology Service of the Hospital Quirónsalud San José (Madrid): “This is due to many factors. Perhaps the boom right now is more related to the use of screens, and to the lifestyle we lead indoors, where there are dry environments, heating, or air conditioning in summer.”

Moreover, it highlights that the incidence of dry eye has also been pronounced with the use of masks.

“Perhaps this may be related to the dysfunction of meibomian tears, which is called blepharitis, a chronic inflammation of the glands on the edge of the eyelid, from which a greasy secretion comes out that irritates the eye and destabilizes the tear layer or film. These glands normally produce a fine fat that forms a very thin layer that protects the tear film and keeps the eye moist”, explains the Quirónsalud specialist.

However, this ophthalmologist emphasizes that, if this process does not develop correctly, the type of fat secreted by these glands becomes harmful to the eye, consequently destabilizing that tear layer.

“Doing this produces more evaporation of the tear, so it does not last in the eye and does not protect the ocular surface”, he adds.

The prevalence of dry eye also increases with age, according to this doctor, being more frequent among women of menopausal age.

Taking some drugs, or pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis or Sjögren’s syndrome also influence the appearance of dry eye.

Dry eye symptoms and possible treatments

Among the symptoms of dry eye, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) points to the following:

  • Itchy and burning eyes
  • Red eye
  • have many tears
  • Eye pain when wearing contact lenses
  • Rough or lines of mucus inside or around the eye
  • Feeling of grittiness and discomfort
  • Blurred vision, especially when reading

Regarding treatment, Dr. Ragaei Kamel indicates that the ophthalmologist may advise the use of artificial tears, a series of compounds that mimic the composition of natural tears; the use of eye drops; and since in many cases dry eye is accompanied by blepharitis, he points to palpebral hygiene, which consists of applying heat to the eye, followed by a gentle massage on the edge of the eyelid with a foam, gel or wipe, something that is especially indicated in the mornings.

“There are also a series of general measures such as avoiding environments with smoke, draughts, dry environments, air conditioning jets directed at the face, driving with the windows closed, etc. that your ophthalmologist will explain to you”, adds in this sense the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology (SEO).

The power of the IPL laser

However, the head of the Ophthalmology Service at Quirónsalud San José Hospital maintains that sometimes, despite these measures, discomfort may persist or the dry eye situation may not improve.

“A very good solution for this pathology is the IPL or pulsed light laser. It is a very simple treatment that is carried out in consultation, normally there are three sessions, each lasting two minutes. The application is carried out by means of light pulses around the eye, they are never carried out directly on the eye, and thus any related risk is avoided”, details this expert.

As indicated, the application around the eye causes a calculated wave of heat to spread through the tissues below the skin, reaching the glands of the eyelid, and stimulating them.

“With this technique it is possible to change its secretion, and produce less harmful fat. Consequently, the patient obtains a better tear layer, which lasts longer in the eye, while avoiding its early evaporation, as well as ocular dryness”, values ​​Dr. Nabil Ragaei Kamel.

Specifically, this specialist recalls that the application of the IPL laser is “very simple”, and practically takes one minute per eye.

“The eye is covered and protected at all times, and after application there is no special indication, except for the use of factor 50 protective creams, because the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun during the first 4-5 days after treatment. . Other than that there is no further indication or anything special. It can be continued after the treatment session with the normal life of the patient and also without any problem”, concludes the head of the Ophthalmology Service of the Quirónsalud San José Hospital.

About Jose Alexis Correa Valencia

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