Elections 2022: Those who seek to repeat seats in the Chamber for Antioquia - Medellín - Colombia

for the next congressional elections for the next quarter, Antioch It has 146 candidates for the House of Representatives distributed in 10 lists, these without counting the candidates of the Special Transitory Circumscriptions of Peace (Citrep).

Although there is renewal in the names on most lists, there are others who are already known and who are looking for repeat seat in the suffrages of next March 13.

The Democratic Center is the party with the most names seeking to repeat as House Representatives, something logical considering that it currently has more than a third of the seats in the department.

Of the seven Representatives of ‘uribismo’ in Congress for the House, five seek to repeat, these are: Óscar Darío Perez, Margarita María Restrepo, Jhon Jairo Berrio, John Jairo Bermúdez and Juan Fernando Espinal.

In the case of the first two, both are seeking their position in the House of Representatives for Antioquia for the third time in a row.

“I am looking to repeat the Chamber because when the father or mother gets sick, one stays to take care of them. And that happens with Medellin, the city is sick and needs all those people committed to the city to recover order, democracy and dignity,” Restrepo said.

(You may be interested: Candidates for Congress in Antioquia denounce vandalism on their fences)

The size of the Congress of the Republic must be reduced and the salary of high-ranking state officials must be frozen

For her, the experience of almost 8 years in this position taught her that this position is not one that gives power or recognition, but good management to improve people’s lives.

He added that he likes the point of balance between experience and renewal that the party list has, because “very different sectors participate, which is vital to form an interdisciplinary team.”

A similar opinion was expressed by Juan Espinal, who valued the participation of women, young people and people with experience in the list of the Democratic Center and assured that said list represents the interests of Antioquia.

“Once again I put my name to the consideration of all Antioquians to return to Congress because I believe that we have to insist on some issues that are essential to recover the confidence of Colombians in the institutions: we must reduce the size of the Congress of the Republic and freeze the salary of high-ranking state officials, hopefully it can be legally reduced said salary,” said Espinal.

(Also read: Women candidates for Congress from Antioquia seek to achieve more seats)

He added that, for him, it is essential to reform justice in the country, something that he considered an urgent need and that is why he seeks to return to Congress.

In the lists of the Democratic Center there is also a name of a former congressman who also wants to return to Congress, but with other colors.

This is Luis Horacio Gallón, who was already a Representative to the Chamber in the 2014-2018 period, but for the Conservative Party.

There is an expectation that the Democratic Center in Antioquia can have a vote like the one it had in past periods

For Professor Juan Carlos Arenas, director of the Institute of Political Studies of the University of Antioquia, both in the department and in the country, a reconfiguration process of names and integration of party lists.
However, he clarified, this is seen more in center-left parties.

“On the issue of the Democratic Center, there are many well-known names, although others chose to run for the Senate. There is not so much renewal thereWhat may be surprising is the expectation that this party in Antioquia can have a vote like the one it had in past periods. There is a window open to surprise”, expressed Arenas.

He pointed out that although many of those on the list do not have the level of recognition that other politicians who are not part of the House list have and who depend more on the strength of the party.

Correspondent of THE TIME

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