Elections 2022: Young strike leaders go for a seat in the Antioquia Chamber - Candidates - Elections 2022

Susana Gómez Castaño, better known as Susana Boreal, left anonymity behind on May 5 of last year when he surprised himself by directing, in the midst of the national strike, an orchestra of 400 musicians in the Parque de Los Deseos.

That day, this young orchestra conducting student at the University of Antioquia managed with her baton to make the musicians raise their instruments in protest and that those who were gathered there that afternoon were infected with a peaceful emotion.

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After the video in which she appears directing the unusual concert from an improvised stage was viralized, she received proposals from leaders of different parties inviting her to be part of their political hosts.

She decided to risk it for Human Colombia, today converted into the Historical Pact headed by Gustavo Petro. And he did it because he finds in the ideology of this movement affinity with his thought. She is number 2 on the list and to get there she hopes to get 180,000 votes.

Although she has dedicated herself to music since she was a child, playing violin, piano, bandoneon, guitar and lyrical singing, the greatest motivation she has for becoming involved in politics was a tragedy. Her older sister was murdered by her husband four years ago and this marked her. She had 11 children and was a victim of harassment, physical and psychological abuse and, despite the fact that she reported what was happening to her at police stations, they never paid attention to her.


Susana Boreal, candidate for the Chamber.


Esneyder Gutierrez

His parents and four other sisters had to take care of the children, even without the economic conditions to assume responsibility. Also the difficulties that she experienced as an artist and as a woman in a macho environment, gave her the strength to fight for women’s rights.

Precisely, delegating to Congress intends to support the decriminalization of abortion and that women have the guarantees to do it safely and free of charge. Likewise, it proposes action against gender violence, also avoiding femicide will be key and access to training on sexual and reproductive rights for women living in rural areas.

Susana began studying pure mathematics at the University of Antioquia, then she turned to music, beginning with lyrical singing for seven semesters. Later, she switched to conducting. She was on an exchange for a year in Belgium, where she studied choral and orchestral music conducting. She returned to Medellin and is only missing the graduation recital to finish her academic studies.

Susana sees in culture and art a fundamental part of the integral formation of any human being, “because through this society can become a set of sentient beings and with this people would not use violence to express their thoughts ”, he assures.

For this, he proposes that artistic training be done from basic education, providing infrastructure, trained personnel and resources; strengthen the houses of culture and formalize street artists, both in rural and urban areas.

With regard to youth, his idea is to build a more sensitive society from diversity, resignifying public spaces and monuments, that the State recognizes responsibility and participation in the acts of violence committed by the public force in the framework of the strike national and in the armed conflict. It will seek for this to be done through programs, monuments and cultural and artistic projects in which young people have been included.

(You can also read: Candidates for the Chamber of Antioquia talk about regional issues)

an objector

Another of the candidates that emerged after last year’s social protests is the social and community leader Jerson Jader González Marulanda, better known as Kannabic Objector.

Kanábico is 30 years old and considers himself a youth actor. He is the son of a feminist woman, Marta Cecilia Marulanda Salas, who has been in community work for more than 49 years. And because of this, Kanábico was linked from an early age in politics where he was trained in human rights, pacifism, local planning and development, community organization, among other aspects that allowed him to understand politics and politics.

His adolescence was key to meeting and reaffirming himself politically with the ideological constructions of antimilitarism and rebelliousness. In addition, of the mobilization scenarios such as the last strikes and the social outbreaks that the country has experienced and from where he has been in defense of human rights and social activism.

Its political purpose is to contribute to the reconstruction and redignification of the country, “
a fight to improve the issue that few had a lot, and many that had little, I say this because I lived it and understood it as a duty, ”says Kanábico.

Although his aspirations have always been to become a councilor in Medellín, he decided to aspire to the House of Representatives for Antioquia, endorsed by the Historical Pact where he feels identified.

Kanábico’s proposals is that the social state of law can really be applied. For this, he proposes to rethink the role of the police and military forces, that they be allowed to carry out a task that is in tune with what they are: the Army to defend national sovereignty and that its presence and action be on the border, not in cities. , urban centers or towns, and the Police that apply their role in coexistence and work with the communities and that is attached to the Ministry of the Interior and not to the Ministry of Defence.

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Jader González Marulanda, better known as Kanábico Objector.


Esneyder Gutierrez

A victim of the conflict

On the other hand, the young candidate Jefferson Echevarry27 years old, says that he was a victim of the armed conflict when, barely a year old, his father was assassinated.

Echeverri was motivated to get into politics by helping less favored families, because a few years ago, when he tried to start a business to support his own, he ran into the obstacle that he couldn’t start a business in public space and there were permits, despite wanting to carry out all the necessary paperwork.

That situation was the opposite to the point of wanting to fight for other people who were going through the same situation, “I felt that the State was against people who wanted to work, even if it was in the informal sector, and even more so with many of us who were even victims. of violence,” says Echeverry.


Jefferson Echeverry, young candidate.


Esneyder Gutierrez

For this reason, initially he fought to be part of a political group and managed to be a candidate for the Municipal Youth Council (CMJ). Now in his candidacy hand in hand with the Historical Pact, he seeks to represent young people from the perspective that the proposals do not they are designed for a four-year government, but rather a 16-year project.

His proposals are based on the legalization of marijuana and the coca leaf. “The plants are not bad, they are plants with healing and ancestral properties that even their benefits are approved by science and this could bring us development and the long-awaited peace,” says the young candidate.

It also wants to strengthen free education for all, but in an integral way, with resources for transportation, food, among other conditions so that students can prepare themselves in an integral way and then they can be young people who help the progress of society.


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