Homicides Medellín: a 25-year-old Chocoana woman is murdered - Medellín - Colombia

the body of Leisy Reyes-Torres, 25 years old, was identified inside his home in the La Francia neighborhood, commune 2 (Santa Cruz), in the northeast of Medellin.

The lifting of the body of the young woman, a native of Unguía, Chocó, was carried out on the morning of Sunday, February 6.

The Information System for Security and Coexistence (SISC) reported that the young woman was found tied, semi-naked and without vital signs inside her residence.

“Initially, the modality, the way in which the events occurred and what their possible causes would have been are unknown,” says the SISC report.

According to the authorities, friends and relatives of the young woman, having not heard from her since Friday, became concerned and went to the house, where they found her body.

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Colonel José Galindo, operational commander of the Valle de Aburrá Metropolitan Police, indicated that he is awaiting the opinion of Legal Medicine to identify the cause of the young woman’s death.

“No evidence of the use of a firearm or sharp weapon was found. We are supported by the security cameras of the Police and the neighborhood to advance the investigation. remember there is reward of up to 80 million pesos for those who provide information that allows clarifying cases of femicide,” said Galindo.

For his part, the operational undersecretary of the Secretariat for Security and Coexistence, Ómar Rodríguez, stated that -according to the first investigations- the case has the conditions to be classified as the first femicide this year in Medellin.

“To date, this crime shows a reduction of 80 percent compared to 2021, when a clarification of more than 90 percent was achieved. We reject all forms of violence against women. Within the framework of the strategy and with the full support of the authorities, we offer this reward to identify, prosecute and capture the aggressor,” said Colonel Rodríguez.

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Rodríguez added that there is currently a designated commissioned special team to investigate the motives and identity of the alleged aggressor. A preliminary hypothesis indicates that the young woman’s belongings would have been stolen from inside the house, so it is not ruled out that it was a robbery.

Likewise, it was known that weeks ago the young woman had broken up with her partner, so the subject is not ruled out as a suspect either.

In fact, according to the report of witnesses to the authorities, it was learned that the victim argued a lot with this man, who lives in the sector. Neighbors indicated that the day before the discovery of the body they heard screams of fighting, something that was recurrent in the couple.

However, no person who had entered or left the young woman’s home was identified.


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