How to access a housing subsidy in Medellin? - Medellin Colombia

The real estate sector has been one of the sectors that has had the most movement in the economic reactivation in Antioch.

Figures provided by Camacol Antioquia reveal that 2021 ended with a record for home sales in Colombia, with 239,746 units sold, a growth of 16.4% compared to total sales in 2020.

In the case of Antioquia, 27,430 new housing units were sold last year, being “one of the best years in history, with a growth in the region of 16% compared to 2020 sales”.

For this year, the entity indicated that in Antioquia there are 525 projects, with more than 20,000 housing units on offer. Most of them are on plans, another percentage is already under construction and others are closer to completion.

Eduardo Loaiza Posada, manager of Camacol, Antioquia, specified that these figures allow projecting sales at the end of this year close to 27,500 units, similar results to those obtained the previous year.

”2022 continues with a good environment to buy a home, thanks to various subsidy programsMi Casa Ya, Semilleros de Propietarios, Jovenes Propietarios and FRECH No VIS and Ecobertura for the middle class”, expressed Loaiza.

Added to this are the benefits and tax exemptions, such as a reduction in Withholding at Source through AFC accounts and the deduction of mortgage interest, elements that make the construction sector attractive.

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2022 continues with a good environment to buy a home, thanks to various subsidy programs

Loaiza said that in 2021, 3,708 subsidies from Mi Casa Ya in Antioquia were used in Antioquia, while from the middle class subsidy or Frech No VIS, 6,410 subsidies were granted.

“There is room to increase the volume of subsidies used in the region and to exceed 10,000 subsidies for home purchases used in the region by 2022,” added Loaiza.

For its part, the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, through the Social Institute of Housing and Habitat (Isvimed), clarified that the VIS and non-VIS Housing Subsidy announced by the National Government, must be processed through financial institutions (cooperatives, funds and banks) commissioned for this purpose.

“I want to inform the community that Isvimed is not the official spokesperson to provide information or carry out procedures corresponding to the application for housing subsidies granted by the National Government. We invite you to communicate directly with the corresponding financial entities or with the Ministry of Housing”, pointed out the director of Isvimed, René Hoyos.

In case of doubt, citizens are invited to contact the Ministry of Housing at the citizen contact center +57 (1) 3323434, the national toll-free line 018000413664 or the email

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To access

The subsidies apply only to new housing, whether it is pre-sale, construction or that, when completed, has not been inhabited.

The interested person must choose and set aside the property that meets the conditions. Then, you must submit the home loan application or leasing housing before a financial entity, each one offers different benefits.

At the entity, you must sign the application documents for the non-VIS subsidy. As a requirement, entities ask not to have previously received interest rate coverage, that is, have not previously benefited from a housing subsidy.


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