Municipality of Nariño, on high alert due to avalanche - Other Cities - Colombia

The overflow of the Las Brisas creek that ended in a mudslide from a torrential downpour keeps you on high alert to the inhabitants of the municipality of San Pablo, in the north of Nariño.

The anguished residents from social networks show impressive videos, in which you can see how the streets and avenues of the town became real rivers.

Such is the force of the waters that run along the roads that, in their wake, they dragged vehicles, motorcycles and even defenseless stray dogs.

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The rains broke out during the afternoon hours of this Friday and lasted until night, for which its inhabitants were forced to lock themselves in their houses to evacuate the water that entered them through doors and windows.

Among The neighborhoods most affected by the winter emergency include Los Jardines, Villa Cristina, Balcones del Mayo and San Miguel.

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The waters entered the facilities of the San Carlos Hospital, where some patients had to be transferred to other safer rooms.

The relief agencies have been helpless when dealing with the avalanches, while the authorities of the Local Committee for Risk Management declared the highest alert, given the probability that the rains will continue and the situation will worsen even more.

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At least 50 affected families in the urban area have already been transferred to the coliseum and the school, where they will surely have to spend the night of this Friday.

San Pablo is a distant town about four hours from Pasto and relief agencies from nearby municipalities, such as La Unión, La Cruz and Belen have traveled to attend to the serious emergency.


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