When talking about ‘Calinteligente’, some sectors of the city relate it to the draft Agreement that the Town hall from Cali presented last year and that did not reach a first debate in the Council.
But engineer Marcela Patino, leader of ‘warmsmart’, He replies that it is much more than that. This is what the official maintains, who has faced the great challenge of carrying out this commitment so that Cali can transform itself and achieve its sustainable development with technology. In this challenge, she has had to avoid criticism for alleged businesses already ‘tied up’ and even for being part of the cabinet of Mayor Jorge Iván Ospina.
This responded to THE TIME.
(Also read: The Buga massacre: questions and the investigation, one year later)
What is ‘Smart Heat’?
The draft Agreement before the Council and ‘Calinteligente’ are two different things. The first follows from everything that means ‘Calinteligente’. It was a little bit of the big project. Some think that it sank or that ‘Calinteligente’ is over and it turns out not. It is much bigger.
It is in the Development Plan, it follows and cuts across all the secretariats and departments of the district. Of course to Emcali, as responsible for the provision of home public services.
It is a whole structuring of the great project, designed to improve the quality of life of Caleñas and Caleños, in mobility, transportation, security, public services, civic culture and environmental impact.

The engineer Marcela Patiño, leader of ‘Calinteligente’.
The most important thing is the people, trying to provide the best possible city. The priority will be to define a smart city/district model for Cali that allows it to position itself nationally and internationally. The vision to 2036 will be a smart city by using technology and developing solutions to territorial problems.
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Under what axes has this model been designed?
The dimension of the model is based on intelligent security with strengthening of the video surveillance system; intelligent mobility with a new intelligent traffic light system; quality of life with a new connected public lighting service; governance and sustainable development (environment, economy, science and technology)
But first we have clear needs in mobility, security, lighting, transportation and it is the first thing that must be resolved. Basic connectivity infrastructure needs to be improved.
How will public lighting work?
30 percent of more than 100,000 lights in Cali is led. The others are obsolete. First they need to be replaced and we are not talking about a smart city. It’s a change of light bulbs led to reduce consumption and less impact on the environment.
That change costs 200,000 million pesos that the municipality does not have, because there are more than 100,000 lights.
If we continue to do it at this rate of small replacements with excess payments of the public lighting rate, that change could take eight to 10 years. We need an injection of capital.
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What was the proposal before the Council?
It was that of a decentralized entity with the Mayor’s Office and with Emcali.
The mixed company…
It was to look for an investment partner or a private source to inject those resources in a short time and he was paid with the same lighting rate, but in a term of 20 years. That was the financial model. But it was also (that investor) to operate Wi-Fi zones or maintain fiber optics. This type of alliance must be made to quickly give the impetus that we need as a city with technological advances.
In the Council there were criticisms from Emcali lobbyists and unions who point to a risk for the public company…
The project of Agreement for a decentralized entity had objections, but I consider that it was taken more from the political point of view. We did not have a counterproposal or a joint proposal. There was no feedback. It was just no.
Do you give up a new entity with the private partner?
It would no longer be a partner, but an ally that arrives to make that impulse. There are several exits, another draft Agreement, but under different conditions. Or a public-private partnership for a specific goal. Do it with Emcali, but Emcali also has no resources. It has some very powerful things in terms of knowledge and technology (…), but the project is going because it goes with Emcali.
In infrastructure…
Think of an information system for management works and geographic information on the state of the roads, but it is necessary to have the capacity to join databases on infrastructure and mobility. (…) We had the intelligent building with a command control center.
Is the smart building maintained, in Paradise City?
Currently not. When the social outbreak occurred, in 2021, we had planned the purchase of the lot (with 18,000 million pesos) and what happened is that the Mayor’s Office had to make decisions to allocate those monies to the critical situation. Back to the topic of resources.
What projects are advancing within ‘Calinteligente’?
Smart traffic lights advance by intervening at 480 intersections with technology, sensors and cameras that collect data and send it to a central unit, so that the traffic lights are synchronized, according to mobility demand.
At the end of the year, the installation is expected at 60 intersections to calculate another 70 later and reach 200. But that implies works that are worked on with the city’s Mobility Secretariat. This traffic light costs 120,000 million pesos and they leave the loan.
There is also the public bicycle system. It costs about 15,000 million pesos, but its source of financing is still not clear because the municipality has no resources.
Arrangements of traffic lights and stations of the Cali MIO
In Cali, not a few citizens they keep wondering about the operation of all the traffic lightsafter they were damaged during the national strike last year.
According to the Secretary of Mobility of the district, 41 intersection points are missing for the network of traffic lights to have a complete ‘green light’.
The Personería, for its part, indicated that it is attentive, after the call for attention in a preventive action to the Ministry of Mobility.
The repair amounts to about 7,500 million pesos, a figure that was set in 2021.
However, according to the city’s Secretary of Mobility, William Vallejo, of the 155 traffic light networks throughout Cali, 112 have been recovered, after being out of service since the social outbreak, attacks that were recorded, especially, in the middle of the last year. This is equivalent, according to the district Mobility Secretary, to the fact that 90 percent of these intersections are operating. This data has a cut-off as of December 31, 2021.
The leader of the ‘Calinteligente’ project, Marcela Patino, pointed out the importance of this initiative, because when a camera does not work, in the case of security or photo fine, it may be that the optical fiber is damaged or has been stolen. Waiting for a new public hiring, times are delayed. She pointed out that a tender can take about three months.
The reactivation of OWN it goes step by step with more than twenty of the 55 stations that have returned to operating. The second phase with 7 stations is 85% complete.
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