Parents ask that their children and grandchildren not be killed in Cali - Cali - Colombia

The Preciados have had to attend four funerals in eastern Cali. But in the midst of their mourning, on Friday when they killed the fourth of its members, their decision was that they would no longer remain silent in the face of the criminal onslaught

“Let them kill us all or let the authorities intervene,” they say. They claim that they have no sin so that they are awake from fear.

The series of crimes, according to what runs in a low voice, would be on the orders of a gang and there would even be involved from prison. Two of the brothers were detained, but their relatives say they were released because they have not committed crimes.

The violence has touched the Preciados, whose family has been a founder between the El Poblado and Comuneros II neighborhoods, in the Aguablanca District, for more than 40 years.

Milton Juvenal Preciado and Alicia Angulo arrived in that territory when uncovered streets still predominated. The 12 children grew up in that neighborhood and went to the same schools and health centers as their neighbors.

Families from strata 1, 2 and 3 reside in these sectors, who have forged neighborhoods in a wide strip of the eastern part of the city. Most of them are workers, but there are currents that affect children and young people such as gangs or gangs.

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In May 2021, two of the children went to prison. “They were put into a gang, but the Prosecutor’s Office did not find anything in the investigation. For this reason, a lawyer is seeing how they are recognized for that time they were imprisoned,” says the retired father.

In the sector they would have had differences because they would not want to enter micro-trafficking networks, says an acquaintance.

Two months later, on July 31, the first crime came. It was at the door of the Preciados house. A gunman attacked Jerson Larry Preciado Angulo, 23, without giving the defense time.

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Relatives say that he was a soccer player and was recovering from an injury at the time of the crime.

Just after the funeral, the violence returned. It was five days later when Harvin Alejandro Preciado, 34, died almost instantly in the gunshot attack. He was the father of nine children.

The protection measures that had been determined for two months did not serve to stop the assassins.

Milton David Preciado, assassinated in September 2021

Milton David Preciado, assassinated in September 2021

But the violent shadow did not go away. He came murder Milton David Preciado, nephew of the murdered brothers and who would have witnessed the second homicide.

He was a young man, 19 years old, who was affectionately called ‘turtle’. He was working to pursue his career as a police officer and was one day away from entering that path.

On the night of last Friday, February 11, the next blow came. A thin young man, wearing a helmet, slid down the platform of a restaurant, as shown in a video.

He reached the corner and approached a motorcyclist who was having a conversation with another man. Suddenly, he brandished a firearm and unloaded it three times on the head of the person he was about to get on the motorcycle. The assassin unloaded the fourth impact when the victim fell with his vehicle to the asphalt.

Diego Juvenal Preciado Angulo, one of the three brothers murdered in Cali

Diego Juvenal Preciado Angulo, one of 3 brothers killed in Cal.

It was Diego Juvenal Preciado Angulo, the son who didn’t get into trouble, who had two jobs to support three children and help the family. At that time he served as a messenger.

“He was a correct and hard-working man. His children and more family depended on him,” they say at home.

In these neighborhoods there is talk of violent acts by boys who grew up with the Preciados and the power of an ex-police officer or an alleged dissident in prison is mentioned.

The processes for the homicides of the three brothers and the nephew are currently being investigated separately,

The parents insist that their sons have no criminal record. They say that four relatives have been killed and they have no reason to hide.

Therefore, they cry out for help to the Police, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Mayor’s Office. “Someone has to listen to us because we can’t wait for them to kill us all.”

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