Port of Barranquilla: alert for islets near the Pumarejo bridge - Barranquilla - Colombia

The President of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Port Association (Asoportuaria), Clement Fajardoannounced the formation of a new islet in the Magdalena River, near the Pumarejo bridge in Barranquilla.

(Also read: The scuffle between Gustavo Petro and Álex Char after a debate in Barranquilla)

The concern lies in the fact that the area is a turnaround area for vessels, headed by the Barranquilla Regional Port Society (SPRB).

One more example that Cormagdalena only reacts, and very late, to problems. She does not study, she does not anticipate anything

For this reason, the director questioned the jobs of prevention and maintenance that correspond to Cormagdalena, as the authority of the tributary.

“One more example that Cormagdalena only reacts, and very late, to problems. She does not do studies, she does not anticipate anything and finds out from third parties what happens in her jurisdiction, ”said Fajardo on his Twitter account.

Due to the foregoing, the president of Asoportuaria considered that said reaction of the entity leaves as a consequence the generation of these sandbanks in the river. “In short, we have lost the capacity for wonder with Cormagdalena,” he added.

A Warning from Practical Pilots

In turn, the Practical Pilots of the Port of Barranquilla joined this concern of the union and maintained that this fact had been warned repeatedly”.

“The Paraíso turning dock, where more than 70 percent of the vessels that arrive in Barranquilla are maneuvered, has not been properly maintained for years,” they assured.

Other reactions on the phenomenon

Another point of view was given by the expert in Logistics and Trade International, Carlos González Bassi, who estimated that the islet near kilometer 18 of the access channel could be “a smoke screen”, in the face of “more serious” sedimentological problems.

“We cannot divert attention from the real solution: having your own dredger in the city that guarantees efficient and constant dredging. A vessel with the characteristics that work for the Barranquilla access channel would cost 7 million dollars to separate it, and the rest, approximately 18 million dollars, could be paid in stipulated terms using port considerations. Two dredgers could be bought,” González said.

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Since this phenomenon was known in the Magdalena River, Cormagdalena has not yet made an official statement on the matter.

In its most recent report on the maintenance in the Magdalena River, this entity indicated that, as of February 5, they have been removed 612,658 cubic meters of sediments, before the dredging works.

“We have a technical commission carrying out bathymetry at various points of the access channel, such as the areas from km 9 to 10 and km 19 to 21, where the evolution of Rondón Island and the associated sedimentation that may occur are monitored,” he reported. .


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