Hero who pulled a child out of a river will be trained as a rescuer - Cali - Colombia

Neither the best double of Hollywood action movies, nor the best film director in the world would have achieved the risk scene that Cloromiro Largacha starred in last Wednesday night in Cali, in the east of the city.

This Chocoano, who has lived in the capital of Valle del Cauca for 25 years, jumped into the turbulent waters of the Cauca River to save the life of a six-year-old boy who had been thrown out by his mother. The woman also jumped into the waters of the river, but she swam and reached the shore. Later, she was rescued by firefighters.

(Read in context: Cloromiro, the savior of the child who fell into the Cauca River with his mother)

The portly Cloromiro, who derives his family’s livelihood from his work at a lumber company specializing in plywood, is the hero of Cali, without a doubt. Not even the actor Tom Cruise, who likes to do the risk scenes in his films, dared so much.

The pride that Caleños feel for Cloromiro was expressed by the city’s mayor, Jorge Iván Ospina, in a tribute they organized to recognize his courage.

“We are more the good ones, those committed to life, those of us who are expressing the main principles of a society, by acting, such as solidarity, andhe accompaniment and caring for life, and that is what Cloromiro has done by saving the life of a child,” said Ospina.

Cloromiro, who is the father of two daughters and a follower of salsa and Pacific rhythms, responded to the Mayor’s words with some surprise: “I feel stunned because I am aware that what I did was an act of courage. I am thrilled to have saved this little boy’s life. With this I have been able to reflect that in my life I have learned many values ​​that have led me to risk them for many good causes”, he said.

(We recommend: ‘Women meet to talk about life in the Cali River’)

A man with the qualities as a rescuer of Cloromiro cannot be wasted and for this reason the Mayor’s Office, through the Secretariats of Government and Risk Management, offered him the opportunity to train as a preventionist, and to support with their knowledge the activities related to emergency care. Cloromiro accepted the offer.

The prevention strategy, of which Cloromiro will be a part, will reach communes 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 and 16, as well as the villages of Montebello, Golondrinas, La Castilla and La Elvira. Registrations are open.

(Also read: ‘Mano, we are trapped’, last voice of two disappeared in Pance)

“I am very happy, very grateful to the Mayor’s Office and the media for the recognition they give me for something that came from my heart. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened to the boy if I didn’t jump into the river to help him. I feel that we are going to be united and when he grows up he will thank me, ”said Cloromiro, who also received gifts for him and his family.


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