Monographic on patients in a new edition of IDIálogoS

Chronicity, prevention, digitization and innovation in complex patient care systems and health and socio-health coordination are presented as the great challenges after covid

And now that?  Monographic on patients in IDIálogoS: the challenges after covid

from left On the right, Marta Villanueva, Carlos Mascías, Julián Isla, Carina Escobar and Juan Abarca/Photo provided by the IDIS Foundation

The pandemic situation that we are still suffering has put our health system on the ropes and has shown the need to carry out urgent measures to face all the challenges we face. The time to favor and promote change has come.

This is how the IDIS Foundation summarizes a new day of IDIálogoS, in a monographic debate on patients two years after the outbreak of covid and in full decline of the sixth wave of the coronavirus.

“We have to reform the functioning of our health system so that it prioritizes the figure of the patient, giving institutional recognition to associations. It is key that the voice of patients is listened to with greater attention and, for this, it is necessary not only that they raise, raise and transmit their concerns and worries to the social debate, but also that channels and tools are offered to them through their representatives. of communication with decision-makers in the different areas of the health and social spectrum”, has pointed out john coverspresident of the Institute for the Development and Integration of Healthcare (IDIS Foundation), during the conference And now that? Monographic patients.

This forum has broken down the pre-pandemic problems, which persist, and those that have worsened after the last two years, in an analysis carried out from the perspective of patients.

In this IDIálogoS have participated:

  • Carina Escobar, President of the Platform of Patient Organizations.
  • Carlos Mascias, medical director of the HM Torrelodones University Hospital.
  • Julian Island, Director of Data and Artificial Intelligence at Microsoft.

Issues such as delays in diagnoses, increased waiting lists, access difficulties, equity problems, etc… have been put on the table, which have arisen in the Covid context and how it has affected patients.

The speakers have questioned the validity of the pillars on which the health system has been based until now.

Poor care for chronic patients in the pandemic

And by way of example, it has been highlighted that 43% of chronic patients have worsened in the last two years or that only 7% have been treated at the time they needed it.

In this sense, the speakers have pointed out that it is key to analyze the problems that exist, return to attendance, work on directed public health, change processes and improve access in all areas.

Likewise, they have pointed out the need to give prominence to concepts such as prevention, innovation in care systems for complex patients and health coordination in order to obtain the best health and health results.

During the debate, reports the IDIS Foundation, it has been ensured that, at a time of instability in the health and social health system, it is necessary to carry out reforms and bet on digital transformation, interoperability and continuity of care as part of the solutions at the problems.

The focus on the patient

It is essential that the system focuses its efforts on the patient, offering multidisciplinary care, understanding him, and taking his voice into account.

In this context, in order to be truly protagonists and to be involved in the decisions that affect them, it is important, as they have pointed out, that patients have their clinical data and can share it where they need to do so.

Finally, dependency and care at home, transcending outside the hospital, through a sufficient and adequate infrastructure that alleviates in some way the hospitalocentrism that we have at the moment is also an essential issue that must be addressed, summarizes the IDIS Foundation.

Martha Villanuevageneral director of the IDIS Foundation and moderator of the session, pointed out that “This new cycle of IDIálogoS aims to shed light on where efforts should be directed to strengthen the health system and so that health care does not get worse, once the pandemic is over“.

pharmaceutical industry
Image of one of the IDIS Foundation reports

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