There is a 90% probability that the La Niña Phenomenon will occur in Cali - Cali - Colombia

The director of Ideam, Yolanda González, warned that there is “a significant increase in rainfall, especially in the center and south of the national territory, which will be accompanied by electrical storms, especially in sectors of Valle del Cauca.”

This call was made in order to recommend to the National Risk Management System to advance preventive actions in the face of the high possibilities of landslides and sudden floods.

(You may be interested in: Winter in the Valley: woman was dragged by a flood and disappeared)

Given this situation, the Secretary of Risk Management of Cali, Rodrigo Zamorano, indicated that it is difficult to determine exactly what percentage the rains will increase, but he specified that this is due to the fact that there is still a 90 percent probability that the La Niña phenomenon.

The official explained that due to the rains, the Cauca River has a level of 8.34 meters, something that he considers high and that could represent a serious threat if it reaches 9.20 meters.

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Meanwhile, the coordinator of the Cali Firefighters Operations Center, Marco Antonio Gómez, assured that due to the continuous rainfall they have received calls from affected people in neighborhoods such as Petecuy, San Luis and Charco Azul.

Meanwhile, in El Caney Limonar, Nueva Granada and Bochalema, trees fell.

The increase in rains led the Mayor of Cali to convene a risk management council and activate all the capacities of the different district and relief agencies, through an Emergency and Contingency Plan to prevent risks due to rainfall in the city. capital of Valle del Cauca.

Strange disappearance of two young people

A complete mystery has become the whereabouts of Sebastian Martínez, 24, and Daniel Gutierrez Delgado, 22, who had made an appointment to go to the Pance River on Sunday.

However, from one moment to another they lost contact with their relatives. During the search efforts, some relatives of the young people found Gutiérrez’s clothes in the upper part of the Vorágine.

The authorities intensify the search for the young people.

For his part, the Secretary of Risk Management of Cali, Rodrigo Zamorano, recalled that that same Sunday the people who were in the traditional Cali river had to be evacuated, due to the danger it represented for bathers.

Zamorano added that around 4:45 pm they identified a “robust flood of between 80 centimeters to 1 meter in height that implies definitively evacuating the river because it comes with dragged material, change in color and increase in height.”


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