Comptroller Warns Serious Pollution of Puerto Colombia Beaches - Barranquilla - Colombia

The Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) determined that hea Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Atlantic (CRA) is not complying with the regulations related to the management of solid waste problems on the beaches of Puerto Colombia and the management has not been efficient.

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“The CRA has not earmarked investments in plans, programs and/or projects to solve such problems,” the CGR underlines in a statement.

The entity recalled that the CRA signed a contract to develop a pedagogical strategy for citizens on the subject, but the purpose of the contract does not correspond to a Project or Program focused on what is required: to solve the problem of solid waste on the beaches of Colombian Port.

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As a result of the audit, the control body constituted three administrative findings, one of them with an alleged disciplinary incidence and which has to do with the fact that the CRA has not carried out the control and sanction actions corresponding to the problem. of solid waste, in the Comprehensive Regional Solid Waste Management Plans (PGIRS) of the riverside municipalities to the Magdalena river located in your jurisdiction.

“It (the CRA) did not develop an efficient and articulated institutional management with Cormagdalena and the territorial entities of its jurisdiction, which make up the riverside municipalities of the Rio Grande de la Magdalena, causing the problem of solid waste on the beaches of Puerto Colombia”, warns the CGR in its report.

Origin of the problem in Puerto Colombia

For several years the problem of solid waste on the beaches of Puerto Colombia has been presented periodically.

However, it became much more visible from May 31, 2019 with the appearance of a garbage agglomeration of 1,710 tons floating in front of the beaches, which caused a serious environmental emergency in the coastal municipality, which affected both the quality of the water and marine biodiversity.

Beaches of Puerto Colombia Garbage 2

The rubbish carried by the Magdalena River reaches the beaches of Puerto Colombia.


Carlos Capella/ CEET

The situation spread to two of its districts (Salgar and Sabanilla), as well as the municipalities of Juan de Acosta y Tubara.

The cause of the problem lies in the fact that the Magdalena River transports all the waste that is dumped by the populations of the municipalities that are located from its source in the Colombian massif in the Cordillera de los Andes and by those that are located along its course.

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This waste reaches Puerto Colombia and ends up stagnant on its beaches, as a result of its proximity to Mouths of Ash (the point where the river empties).

“The lack of control of cormagdalena and the Autonomous Corporations with jurisdiction in this area, where the modification of the riverbanks by agro-industrial exploitation and extensive livestock farming is not being taken into account, has made the situation more complex”, indicates the CGR.

Likewise, the control body indicates that the intervention of relief areas of the river such as pipes and interior swamps has not been controlled, “with which the speed of the tributary and its capacity of erode the shores and devastate them, dragging with them the vegetal layer”.

“That garbage is not generated here”: CRA

About the Comptroller’s report Jesús León Insignares, General Director of the CRA., indicated that they have been developing in a timely and efficient manner, the obligations imposed by the regulations and took the opportunity to clarify that the solid waste present on the beaches of the municipality of Puerto Colombia, is not generated in this population, nor in the department of Atlántico, these come from 728 territorial entities with influence in the Magdalena river basin.

This is a country problem, since the Department of Atlántico, being located in the lower basin of the Magdalena River, receives all the waste and dumping

“This is a country problem, since the Department of Atlántico, because it is located in the lower basin of the Magdalena River, receives all the waste and discharges that this body of water drags, which are generated and come from the municipalities located on the most of 1550 kilometers in length of the river, where only 117 kilometers, say 7.5%, are in the jurisdiction of the Department of the Atlantic”, specified the official.

This was the reason, he added, why Puerto Colombia was included as a non-riverside municipality in the jurisdiction of Cormagdalena, so that this corporate entity assumes the costs derived from the contamination of the Magdalena River that affect the beaches of said municipality. , and the damages and expenses caused by the contamination derived from this important fluvial artery are compensated.

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According to the CRA, the problem is the product of the hydraulic dynamics and natural processes of undermining that occur on the slopes of the Magdalena River, such as at its mouth, which, added to the phenomenon of marine currents, end up dragging the waste until it is deposited in the beaches known by the names of Punta Roca, Salgar, Sabanilla and Puerto Colombia.

The official insisted that public sanitation service providers must redouble their efforts in the collection, transportation, storage and final disposal of this waste: “they are responsible for the efficient provision of public sanitation services,” said the Environmental Authority.


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