ELN: In Cesar there was harassment against the National Army - Other Cities - Colombia

The authorities of Caesar confirmed a harassment of the subversive group Eln against the Special Energy and Road Battalion Number 3registered in the early hours of this Friday.

The military battalion has jurisdiction in the upper part of Pailitas, Curumaní and Chiriguaná, municipalities in the south and center of Cesar.

(Also: Supreme Court revoked arrest against Mayor of Cartagena William Dau)The attack did not cause material damage to the military base, and no deaths or injuries were reported.

Violent action of the guerrillas, also
had as a stage a ‘box culvert’

The municipality is in distress and we call on the authorities of the national order, public force that we reward our territory to protect our citizens in the best way

“The soldiers felt the gunfire from outside the base and fired back. Thank God there are no victims to mourn”, assured Eduardo Esquivel, Secretary of the Departmental Government.

The violent action of the guerrillas also took place in a ‘box culvert’, a small bridge located in the middle of the road between Floresta, rural area of ​​Pailitas and Pelaya, south of Cesar.

(Also: They denounce that a teacher kicked a dog in front of her students)

In this area they activated an explosive charge, which caused damage to the section of these sectors. Vehicular traffic in this sector has been restricted preventively.

Public order under tension in this
colombian caribbean section

Soldiers felt gunfire from outside the base and fired back. Thank God no casualties to mourn

In the face of the road emergency registered in the department, El Burro, Tamalameque (south of Cesar) and El Banco (Magdalena) were established as alternate routes.

From these points, the vehicles can be mobilized to Cuatro Vientos, Chiriguaná corregimiento (Centro del Cesar) and continue the route to other cities in the Caribbean region.

(You may be interested in: Governor of Sucre denounces ELN presence in La Mojana)

Despite the fact that several control operations have been deployed in the department by the National Army and the Police, the public order situation remains tense in this section of the Colombian Caribbean.

Last Wednesday, two strong explosions were recorded in Curumaní.

Attack on Ecopetrol infrastructure

The first detonation was against an infrastructure of Ecopetrol, located in Sabana Grande, corregimiento of this town. The second attack was recorded in an electrical tower of the ISA company, located in this same sector.

(You may be interested: In Girardot, a man kicked his best friend to death)

In the afternoon of this same day, ELN guerrillas set fire to three trucks loaded with vegetables from Ocaña (North of Santander), bound for Barranquilla.

The incident occurred on the path of the village of La Paz, jurisdiction of Pailitas (Cesar).


They fired at the Army.

decree curfew

Faced with the risk of a new subversive offensive, a curfew has been decreed in the municipalities of Curumaní and Pailitas.

The average restricts the circulation of vehicles transporting debris, junk and gas cylinders from 6:00 PM to 6 AM

“The municipality is in distress, therefore, we call on the authorities of the national order, public force that we reward our territory to protect our citizens in the best way,” said Carlos Toro, mayor of Pailitas.

(We invite you to read: The complex panorama of Barranquilla against crime)

In the same sense, he exhorted the armed actors of the law to cease their actions in this population since the businesses remain closed and this generates economic losses in the region.

Ludys Ovalle Jacome
Special for Weather

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