How Aida Merlano's statements affect Alex Char - Barranquilla - Colombia

The decision of driving away char to go ahead with his presidential campaign after the backlash caused by the statements of the former senator and fugitive from justice Aida Merlanoimply that the candidate will not only have to legally defend himself against the accusations, but now he will have to go out to debate in public, which until now he had avoided.

(Also: ‘Aida Merlano will be denounced for false testimony’: Álex Char’s lawyer)

That is one of the readings that political scientists, university professors and journalists consulted by TIME they maintain, explaining how the campaign of the former mayor of Barranquilla would be affected, after Merlano’s accusations.

Luis Fernando Trejosdirector of the UNCaribe Thought Center, considers that it is undeniably affecting the image of the pre-candidate, which can translate into the loss of opinion votes, but, he explains, “it must be taken into account that his campaign is not sustained on the opinion vote but on a great electoral infrastructure (machinery) that would be complemented with those that the other members of his coalition have”.

(Read: Barranquilla registers decrease in covid-19 pandemic indicators)

His campaign is not sustained on the opinion vote but on a great electoral infrastructure (machinery)

What is clear, adds Trejos, is that in the midst of this particular situation, “his strategy of not debating in public and using a lot of Tiktok can give his competitors an advantage inside and outside his coalition.”

Alexander White, a doctor in political science, explains that a large part of Alejandro Char’s candidacy for the presidency has been based on him as a person. He recalls that Char has often tried to show a solid family full of traditional values ​​on social networks.

Alex Char and Aida Merlano.

Alex Char and Aida Merlano.

“Therefore, given the circumstances, Merlano’s testimony has transcended from the personal to the public sphere. In an intentional way, the pre-candidate Char was in charge of linking his family and his personal life as part of his campaign strategy, ”says Blanco.

Regarding the judicial effects that they could generate, Blanco estimates that they would not be immediate, and he thinks that the first results of the investigation could take more than six months and the presidential elections are within three months. “For this reason, the legal viability of his pre-candidacy, up to now, would not be affected.”

I don’t think gossip hurts local powers. However, if evidence were to be found, surely yes.

The case that continues to move on social networks, is seen by the university professor Jay Vegaas nothing new for the city, indicating that many of the things he says have been part of everyday Vox Populi for a long time.

Vega states that it is not strange for the city that the Gerlein group through Valorcon has been one of the mega-contractors of House Char.

“The important thing here is not to pre-judge and not leave everything to gossip, but rather that both the press and the control and justice agencies investigate and contribute to clarifying things. I don’t think gossip hurts local powers. However, if evidence were to be found, surely yes,” he says.

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for the political scientist Jessyka Manotasone cannot lose sight of the fact that the relationship between Char and Merlano is not only a matter of the private sphere, since this case acquires importance in the public and political agenda, based on all the revelations that imply possible crimes of corruption. and even a complaint for rape and attempted murder.

He considers that while the investigations progress, the analysis cannot be diverted or minimized to memes or ridicule on networks and should invite reflection on the traditional political structures and practices in the Caribbean Region and their impacts on our democratic culture.

On the other hand, Manotas maintains, it is clear that Alejandro Char’s main electoral flow is concentrated in the Caribbean Region, as shown by the most recent survey by the National Consulting Center, which shows a voting intention of 19% in this area of ​​the country. country, second only to Gustavo Petro.

Alejandro Char on campaign

Alejandro Char began his foray through the towns of the Caribbean.


Alejandro Char press team

“However, in other regions (Coffee belt, Antioquia, center…) Char does not have the same level of recognition and political backing, and this scandal affects even more the perception of his image, especially in more conservative and opinion-voting sectors of the interior of the country, taking into account the wide dissemination that this case has had in the media and social networks, where it is concentrated a lot of the national discussion,” he says.

The political analyst warns that this fact can negatively affect to the candidate who has built his messages and narratives based on his image or personal figure as a leader, even above country-specific proposals or agendas.

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“It is important to wait for the results of future measurements in order to evaluate the impact that this situation may eventually have on the intention to vote in the The Caribbean Region and the rest of the country or if its political communication strategy and the power and influence that the Char family has over various regional media outlets is sufficient to tone down these events, although it is a difficult scenario considering the proximity of the votes,” he stresses.

political journalists They have also delved into the subject and the political connotations it would have, as is the case of Jean Pier Serna, who recognizes that Char is very strong in the Colombian Caribbean and estimates that he aspires to obtain one million 700 thousand votes in the entire region, 700 thousand of which should leave the Atlantic for which he is working. “The greatest difficulty for him can be generated in the opinion vote.”

while Edgar Salas that on his website, where he permanently analyzes political activity, especially Magdalena, he assures that this fact will not affect Alejandro Char’s proselytizing campaign at all, the Caribbean receives the fact as a unique personal situation.

Salas remembers Gabo to conclude: “nothing has happened here, we are a happy people, people will say, and when Char arrives they will yell President! The man with the cap”.

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