ICBF rescued two children who were mistreated by their mother - Barranquilla - Colombia

The 11-month-old child victim of physical abuse by his mother, in the middle of a public thoroughfare in a neighborhood in the south of Barranquillaare currently under the protection of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (Icbf).

(Also: Video: outrage in Barranquilla for a woman who beats a child under 11 months)

The little boy, along with his seven-year-old sister who also has signs of abuse, was separated from his mother by units of the Police Group for Children and Adolescents, after learning of the complaint.

The case was made public, after residents of the La Sierrita neighborhood sector were alerted when they saw the woman beating the little boy in the middle of a public thoroughfare.

“Stop, walk!” the woman yelled at the child. To which his own neighbors responded: “Call the Police! You are going to kill him! Do not spoil it like that ”, was heard in the video, before the crying of the victim.

The scene was recorded with a cell phone and uploaded to social networks, which generated the indignation of many people and provoked the immediate reaction of the Police, through the Group for the Protection of Children and Adolescents.

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“The minor and a sister, 7 years old, were separated from their family nucleus for the restitution of rights and left at the disposal of the ICBF”, said the operational commander of the Barranquilla Metropolitan Police, Lieutenant Colonel Luis Sandoval.

He added that the Children and Adolescents Group had carried out a process against the parents of these minors, after the girl evaded the family nucleus and invited the citizens to take care of the children and adolescents.

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To its turn the director of the ICBF in the Atlantic, Benjamín Collantesaid that the house where the children were was located, and they were taken to zonal centers, to start an administrative process to restore the rights of the children.

Collante explained that at this time the complaints about the children’s mother, whom witnesses accuse of being a consumer of hallucinogenic substances, are being verified. It is also evaluated whether there are guarantees in the family environment to return the minors, otherwise, “an adoption process will begin.”

The director of the ICBF in the Atlantic does not rule out that the Prosecutor’s Office file a criminal complaint for the damage caused to the health of the little brothers.


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