In Barranquilla the electoral campaigns do not take off - Electoral News - Elections 2022

Little or nothing is what is felt in the electoral environment in Barranquilla and peoples of the Atlantic, as if little or nothing interested the results of the elections to the Congress of the republic next March 13.

(Also: Simon Leviev, the Tinder scammer, would have robbed a company in Barranquilla)

“The candidates are conspicuous by their absence,” he says. political analyst Carlos Herrera. This panorama is reflected in the streets of the city, where the poles on this occasion have not been smeared with posters, there are no walls painted with the names and numbers of the candidates, young people are not seen handing out flyers in the streets, nor political advertising playing on the stations.

“It is a strange election campaign. With absent candidates in the neighborhoods, the river of money has not flowed as in previous elections”, adds Herrera.

The voters’ attention seems to be focused on the results of the consultations, and above all on the presidential elections, more than on the regional elections.

(Also read: Masks will no longer be mandatory in open spaces in Barranquilla)

The situation is viewed by political scientist Jessyka Manotas as a phenomenon that is not typical of Barranquilla or the Atlantic but of the entire country, due to the amount of candidatesthe various issues that are being discussed on the national agenda and the proliferation of more visibility spaces for the pre-candidates for the presidency (debates, interviews, etc.) “contrary to the scarce citizen deliberation at the regional level about the candidates for congress,” he says.

Electoral environment in the Atlantic

The murals with messages alluding to the electoral campaign adorn some streets of the metropolitan area of ​​Barranquilla.

The representative to the camera across the atlantic, Modesto Aguilera (Radical Change) confirms the above: “the political environment of the presidential elections is extremely controversial and all eyes are looking towards that path.”

Aguilera, who hopes to remain in the Chamber, maintains that his campaign remains focused on the regional election without also neglecting the issue of the consultation, “because for us it is extremely important not only our election but also to choose Alexander Charlie as coalition candidate Team For Colombia”.

Electoral environment in the Atlantic

Political advertising has not invaded the streets of Barranquilla.


Vanexa Romero / TIME

For Sandra Leventhal (New Liberalism)who comes to fight for a seat in the Chamber for Atlántico, acknowledges that the electoral environment is very quiet, which is worrying since the elections for Congress do not seem to gain momentum.

(Be sure to read: Scholarships for 4,000 students offers English for work in Barranquilla)

“Is it a collective lack of interest, a lack of knowledge of the subject or is there another type of reason?” asks Laventhal, who assures that his movement works hard and remains committed to this electoral exercise and the party building.

Campaigns continue with political ‘moorings’

In general terms, the electoral environment in the department is similar to previous years, says political scientist Jessyka Manotas, emphasizing that everything is predictable in terms of clientelism, purchase and sale of votes and lists of political parties made up of relatives and people close to current congressmen, deputies and councilors. Likewise, several are campaigning senators and representatives to the House who are seeking re-election.

Electoral environment in the Atlantic

Political billboards have been installed on some avenues in Barranquilla.


Vanexa Romero / TIME

For senators and representatives who aspire to be re-elected, it is more important to win the support of councilors, deputies and leaders

However, Manotas points out that there are some new elements. The first to stand out is the lists of alternative coalitions that seem to have more possibilities due to the fact that they are a non-preferential vote (closed lists) and the socio-political context of the country that comes from large mobilizations and youth activism.

On the other hand, adds the political analyst, the recent media scandals, related to the testimony of Aida Merlano and leaks from Laureano Acuna on alleged vote buying, “can negatively influence the perception of voters about traditional parties.”

Political journalist Jean Pier Serna He explains that this debate focuses a lot on what he calls political ‘ties’ and agreements with leaders who manage solid electoral structures.

“For senators and representatives who aspire to be reelected, it is more important to win the support of councillors, deputies and leaderswith which they can ensure a good flow, than to go out and look for an opinion vote, a band that is still very gaseous in terms of elections to Congress in this area of ​​the country”, Serna points out.


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