In Sincelejo they rent weapons for 100 thousand pesos - Other Cities - Colombia

Luis Alfonso Álvarez, president of the Assembly of Deputies of Sucre, denounced the way in which criminals in Sincelejo acquire firearms by paying 100,000 pesos for their loan, while decent people cannot legally have a weapon to exercise their defending.

The statement made him outraged by the recent murder of businesswoman Alina Taboada Olmos, committed by people who entered her farm house to rob and ended up killing her.

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“One collects within the community and the different unions, that of ranchers, merchants and health, a feeling of impotence, pain and anger for this crime, which we cannot tolerate and allow.”

Social leaders of Sincelejo already
They reported this problem.

We have weeks that stun us and we are very concerned about some events that deteriorate confidence, perception and indicators in security and coexistence

“It is unacceptable and unfair that in Sucre, and in its capital Sincelejo, the criminals have the facility to get hold of firearms with only 100 thousand pesoswhile the right to legitimate defense is taken away from us sucreños”, said the president of the Assembly of Deputies in his statement.

He expressed his disagreement with the way in which a well-off Sucreño is restricted from legally acquiring a firearm so that he can defend himself.

“As long as these criminals can obtain this weapon for rent for 100,000 pesos and nothing happens,” said Luis Alfonso Álvarez.

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The affirmation made by the president of the Assembly of Sucre is a denunciation that has been made on other occasions by social leaders from Sincelejo, but that the authorities have denied that in practice it is a reality.

The same assertion is made by well-to-do inhabitants of the popular areas of the city.

“In the southern and northern neighborhoods of Sincelejo these practices take place. The criminals arrive and pay a price for the weapon to go out and commit their illegal acts”, they have stated.

Security plan was activated in Sincelejo, with the participation of personnel from the National Navy

Today we have a general concern about the problem of insecurity and coexistence in our Department, in all the subregions and also, of course, as a priority in Sincelejo.

Despite the statement made by the president of the Assembly, the police command in Sucre has not made an official statement, but A security plan was recently activated in Sincelejo, with the participation of personnel from the National Navy.

This security plan is coordinated by the Government Secretariat of Sincelejo and through it the authorities go through the neighborhoods, the city center and exercise control over the ranches located on the variant that leads to the Tolú spa.

Different representatives of the unions in Sincelejo have also spoken out against the insecurity that occurs in the city, with constant robberies and murders.

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One of those pronouncements was made by the governor of Sucre, Héctor Espinosa, during the delivery of motorcycles and trucks to the authorities to carry out their work.

“Today we have a general concern about the problem of insecurity and coexistence in our Department, in all subregions and also, of course, as a priority in Sincelejo, where we want to improve security conditions,” said Espinosa.

According to the official, the objective is to work together the institutions and the public force so that the results are seen throughout the Department.

“We have weeks that we are excited about results and weeks that stun us and we are very concerned about some events that deteriorate confidence, perception and indicators in security and coexistence,” concluded Governor Héctor Espinosa.

Francis Xavier Barrios
Special for WEATHER

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