Laureano Acuña: profile of the senator in audio for buying votes - Electoral News - Elections 2022

The phrase ‘The past stepped on’ does not seem to apply in the life of the current senator Laureano Augusto Acuna Diazto whom the Supreme Court of Justice opened an investigation for vote buying, in the same process of September 2019 against Aida Merlano.

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Today it is again ‘in the mouth’ of the control bodies, this time of the Attorney General’s Office, by an audio published by the lawyer of the former fugitive congresswoman, Miguel Ángel del Río, in which the ‘Flying Cat’ allegedly He talks about “buying 70,000 votes”.

To learn about the life of Acuña Díaz, you have to go back to March 25, 1971, when this Barranquilla native was born in the humble Santa Maria neighborhoodof the Metropolitan locality.

He is the son of Elvia Díaz and Laureano Acuña, whom he used to accompany in the social and civic activities that he led in the neighborhoods with the purpose of managing support for vulnerable communities.

He became a bachelor and, in that constant contact with the population, he met and made friendship with the Gerleins, when they intervened in the neighborhoods, especially in electoral campaigns. That’s how it started, as a collaborator of the brothers Jorge and Roberto.

The origin of the nickname ‘Flying cat’

I aspired to be president of that corporation, but on election day they already had another majority and I was left in the minority.

After gaining the trust of this political family, he managed to count on their support to be launched into the Barranquilla Council in 2002, by the Conservative party. What would happen a week after being elected as a councilor for the first time earned him the nickname of the ‘Flying Cat’.

After a few days in this District institution, the man, who because of the color of his eyes was already known as the cat, ‘fled’ or separated himself from the interests of the political group that promoted him.

“We had a majority in the Council and the election of a board of directors was coming, I aspired to be president of that corporation, but on the day of the election they already had another majority and I was in the minority,” Acuña explained in this way. W Radius.

To this is added that, at that time, the song was in full swing ‘The flying cat‘, one of those old school reggaeton that was playing at any time on commercial stations.

His time in the House and Senate

The man repeated for the second consecutive time in the Council of Barranquilla, to later make his debut in the Congress of the republic as Representative to the Chamber for the department of Atlántico (2010-2014). Later, he was seen allied with the Char family.

From there he ended up, from 2015 to the present, in the Senate for two consecutive periods (2014-2018 and 2018-2022). Today he seeks to repeat for the third time in these instances, launching his candidacy for the day of March 13 .

A career with scandals

Making his debut as a senator, Laureano Acuña made headlines for a video in which he appeared, apparently, drunk and refusing to practice a breathalyzer testin Riohacha (La Guajira).

In the recording, he assured that he was not driving and claimed the traffic police for “wanting to incriminate him.” In statements to the media, he indicated that he was going to appeal the fine.

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Likewise, in mid-June of last year he was accused of allegedly threatening the Mayor of Malambo (Atlántico), Rumenigge Monsalve, for the screenshots of some chats in which he allegedly wrote that “I go and take two shots at him.”

Chat Laureano Acuna

After the publication of the audio by the lawyer Del Río, Internet users have remembered this chat.


Taken from social networks

Given this situation, the municipal president said he was concerned about his safety and that of his family. While the senator maintained that “this chat is totally false.”

At the end of the same month, there was a shooting attack on the house of Mayor Monsalve. It should be clarified that this fact has not been related to the alleged threats in the chats and is being investigated by the authorities.

For that same month of 2021, he was again the target of criticism in the country for appearing in a video dancing and under the influence of alcohol, along with other people, without the biosecurity measures due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Currently, the senator faces the investigations of the Supreme Court (2019) and the investigation of the Attorney General’s Office (2022) for cases of vote buying. To the latter, he replied: “I will not be a guinea pig in a discussion far removed from any political connection.”


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