Lawsuit of students and their families originates shots in school of Jamundí - Cali - Colombia

The shots in the college Yampai High School, in Jamundi they were committed with a traumatic weapon and would have originated in differences between the families of two students from the same campus. The latter are suspended, while the authorities and on campus investigate more about what happened.

The deputy commander of the Police Metropolitan of calli, Colonel William Quintero, reported that on Friday (February 4), two families had had a discussion due to differences between two students of the institution.

The Police of the capital of the Valley del Cauca has interference in Jamundí, a municipality in the south of the region, as it is the metropolitan area of ​​Cali.

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“Immediately, the patrol that arrives at the scene requests the intervention of the Police for Children and Adolescents and the Judicial Police and began the collection of evidentiary material at the scene, in order to be able to determine with a security camera and some witnesses, and thus establish effectively what happened and to be able to carry out the corresponding investigations,” said the officer.

He added that “it was possible to determine that a traumatic weapondue to the fact that some pods used by this type of weapon were found”.

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The colonel noted that an accompaniment route was started to resolve the conflict between these two families and prevent a tragedy from being triggered.

Likewise, there would be a suspect, but the traumatic weapon was not found, when the Police found his whereabouts.

“The national quadrant surveillance model locates the vehicle, registers it, locating a person and not being able to locate the weapon,” said Colonel Quintero.

At school they indicated that they regret the situation, apparently of intolerance, and agreed with Colonel Quintero’s explanation that everything would have been caused by differences between the two families, when the minors argued.

“The meeting was triggered by physical and verbal attacks in which one of those involved in the discussion fired several shots into the air with a blank weapon, without consequences for any of those present who were in the institution at that time,” it is indicated. in a school statement referring to the “embarrassing incident”.

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“The institution will carry out due process internally, in order to determine the sanction corresponding to the situation of the students involved based on the Liceo’s Coexistence Manual,” the letter reads.

“The parents of the students were informed that their children were immediately suspended until a decision was made in accordance with said behavior, where the corresponding sanction will be communicated to them,” the school statement notes.

On campus they also pointed out that they do not agree with violence, since it is not the way to resolve differences of opinion.


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