Magdalena: Carlos Caicedo denounces sabotage in the PAE program - Other Cities - Colombia

The Ocad Caribe denied the Government of Magdalena the right to carry out the School Meal Plan (PAE) 2022.

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At the meeting, he established that the Administrative and Planning Region (RAP) assume that responsibility.

In no case is the ICBF alluded to, as Ocad did last December, or the RAPs, as they do now illegally.

Said determination generated discomfort in the governor of Magdalena, Carlos Caicedo, who attacked the rulers who did not agree that the department would be in charge of distributing the food doses in the schools of the municipalities.

According to Caicedo, the governors of Sucre, Córdoba and Bolívar, in collusion with the mayor of the municipality of Sampués (Sucre), once again committed the crime of prevarication.

To support his statement, he specified that “the Colombian regulatory framework only admits departments, municipalities and districts as responsible for guaranteeing school meals.”

in what corresponds to budgetsaid that the law indicates that the execution of school feeding resources are in charge of the Nation and the territorial entities certified in education.

“That is to say, in no case is the ICBF alluded to, as Ocad did last December, or the RAPs, as they do now illegally,” noted the Governor of Magdalena.

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The rejection of the ICBF

The president recalled that the December 6, 2021 the governors, meeting in the Ocad Caribbean region, approved that the ICBF be the executing entity of the PAE for the Magdalena.

This decision, he added, because it was contrary to law, was rejected by the general director of the ICBF, who, like the Ministry of Finance and the Government of Magdalena, argued that it had neither the legal powers nor the competence to assume the execution of the PAE. .

It is a decision that expresses the abuse of the dominant position of the governor of Córdoba and the mayor of Sampués

The governor of Magdalena, Carlos Caicedo, expressed his rejection of the new decision arguing that “it is a decision that expresses the abuse of the dominant position of the governor of Córdoba and the mayor of Sampués”.

He also announced that he will file a criminal complaint and a disciplinary complaint against the governors of Sucre and Córdoba and the mayor of Sampués, “since with their willful conduct they have again incurred the crime of prevarication by action.”

“It is unacceptable that for political reasons the children of the department of Magdalena, the fourth poorest in the country, are denied their right to school meals,” Caicedo pointed out.

Roger Urieles
For THE WEATHER Santa Marta

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