Raid on a gang that set up a 'toll' for robberies on the Cali bridge - Cali - Colombia

In an ambush at the entrance to a pedestrian bridge, a motorcyclist is surrounded by three armed youths who strip him of his belongings and then walk through commune 13 in Cali.

This is what is shown in one of the videos with which the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office processed the prosecution of the detainees who, between all, add up to more than 30 annotations for crimes such as homicide, theft, drug trafficking and conspiracy to commit a crime.

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The complaints, in reserve, about the activities of a gang that committed assaults on the bridge, the surroundings of sports centers, schools and churches in the Los Lagos and Charco Azul neighborhoods.

For six months, the National Police Intervention and Antiterrorism Unit (Unipol), as well as the Police Intelligence Section (Sipol), carried out investigative activities.

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Thus, evidence was collected of at least 56 criminal acts, 24 that have already been verified and among which are a homicide, 2 displacements, 12 thefts and 9 attempted homicides.

In four search and raid proceedings in commune 13 of Cali, the Metropolitan Police captured ‘Los del polvero’, a criminal structure dedicated to committing homicides, thefts and forced displacement in this part of the capital of the Valley.

Eight people were captured by court order, of which two will respond to the criminal responsibility system for Children and Adolescents for having committed the acts when they were minors.

A 16-year-old minor was also apprehended, another person was captured in flagrante delicto, and charges were filed against five others already deprived of their liberty.

The official statement says that they are known as ‘Gomelita’, ‘Blanquillo’, ‘Cacuero’, among others. The gang would have forced four families to leave their homes because they would have relationships with some people.

They are being investigated for conspiracy to commit a crime, aggravated homicide, attempted murder, aggravated robbery, forced displacement and illegal possession of weapons.

Those captured add up to 32 judicial annotations for crimes related to homicide, theft, drug trafficking, conspiracy to commit a crime and illegal possession of firearms.

They were handed over to the competent authority for conspiracy to commit a crime, aggravated homicide, attempted murder, aggravated robbery, forced displacement and illegal possession of firearms.

Intramural detention was imposed on five of those captured by court order, while another two and the minor were sent to a special center. The one caught in flagrante delicto remains at large, but linked to the investigation.

The Police command asks to send complaints about crime networks to the email or contact the emergency line 123 or 156 of the Cooperating Network, where Police professionals guarantee complete confidentiality.

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