Rains in Medellin: 9 points in risk areas are attended - Medellin - Colombia

The urban and uncontrolled growth in Medellín caused many neighborhoods to become high mountain areas and risk of flooding or mass movements.

Thus, when there are heavy rains, there are certain sectors that suffer more than others and where evacuations and attention to critical points are recurrent.

The Medellin mayor’s office identified nine places which he described as “critical points” in which it carries out risk mitigation works.

“These are sectors that suffered damage to the public space as a result of the heavy rains and for which the declaration of manifest urgency was necessary, thus guaranteeing the resources for attention,” reported Natalia Urrego, Secretary of Infrastructure.

These areas are: Manrique La Honda, La Cuchilla village, El Llano village, La Asomadera, Santo Domingo Savio (Popular), Buenos Aires, El Pingüino (Santa Elena), Monteverde (Altavista), El Vergel village (San Antonio de Prado) .

(You may be interested: This is the peak and environmental plate that governs Medellín)

Medellin neighborhoods

Mitigation actions were also carried out in the corregimiento of San Cristóbal


Medellin’s town hall

The investment for these works exceeds $35,700 million and, of the nine points identified, the works have already been completed in the first three and have already been delivered to the community.

Among the actions are: the reconstruction of roads and platforms, the construction of bridges, retaining walls and drainage systems for the management of rainwater.

“In the case of the corregimientos, specifically in San Cristóbal, we are also generating competitiveness and opening new opportunities for farmers to offer their products,” added Urrego.

In this corregimiento, in the village of La Cuchilla, a bridge was built to reduce the risk of landslides in the area, 480 meters of road were improved and retaining walls were built.

Also in San Cristóbal, El Llano village, an area of ​​5,120 square meters was renovated, 828 meters of track were recovered, a geological fault in the ground was corrected and retaining walls were built to prevent future emergencies.

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In Manrique La Honda, where the manifest urgency had been decreed after the winter caused damage to the road, platforms and some homes, the official explained that pipes were installed there and activities were carried out to channel water; Piles and retaining walls were built to stabilize the land and platforms and tracks were recovered.

“We have been waiting for these jobs for a long time. For us it was very important to channel this stream because the water entered our house. The improvement of the road also helps us a lot, especially for me who has a sister with a disability and now we can move better”, said Orlando Santa María, a resident of the neighborhood.

The mayor’s office indicated that the remaining work fronts already exceed 60% of execution.


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