Recruitment of the Army of young people without a military card in Medellín - Medellín - Colombia

After the complaints made by the representative of MedellinWilliam Yeffer Vivas Lloreda, on raids by the army in the capital of Antioquia, the Town hall of the city had a series of recommendations to avoid carrying out these actions that are illegal.

The complaint was made this Monday, February 7, and occurred in the vicinity of the Suramericana station of the Medellin Metro. To which the municipal administration responded with an initiative that seeks to clarify these facts and not allow young people to be arbitrarily detained.

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From the Youth Secretariat, the Secretariat of Non-Violence Y the Women’s Secretariat The #ObjetarEsUnDerecho strategy is advanced, which consists of a care route for young people who wish to declare themselves conscientious objectors to military service.

“The Municipal Administration installed the permanent monitoring table for the phenomena of illegal recruitment, raids and irregular incorporation procedures,” the Administration said in a statement.

(Also read: 471 complaints of recruitment of minors have been attended in Medellín)

The Constitutional Court decreed through judgment C-879 that young people who have not defined their military situation cannot be retained or transferred for long periods of time, which is why several groups indicate that these routes are necessary so that these types of events do not repeat themselves.

“Traditionally, young people have been instrumentalized for war and conflict. In recent weeks we have collected the anguish and anxiety of many of them in the face of the incorporation and recruitment process that the National Army has been carrying out in the city. We want to provide them with guarantees and accompany them in processes that have arbitrariness and irregularities. Above all, we want to tell you that there is an alternative, that conscientious objection is a constitutional right,” said the youth secretarySantiago Bedoya.

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Groups denounce that due to the increase in accompaniment and attention routes so that young people are clear about their rights to conscientious objection, these raids have become more frequent by the Army.

The Mayor’s Office of Medellín created a permanent monitoring table in which the Army, Personería, attorney and the Medellin Subway to protect the freedom of young people from recruitment.

“The purpose is to sensitize the young people of the city about the routes they have to exercise their right to conscientious objection to military service. It is also important to remember that the victims of the armed conflict, palenqueros, blacks and only children are exempt from compulsory military service,” said the Secretary of Non-ViolenceJuan Carlos Upegui.

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If a young person is arbitrarily detained by the Army and wishes to report it, they can do so through or WhatsApp line 310 715 4095.

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