Slight slowdown in the rate of decline in the incidence of coronavirus

The rate of the incidence of coronavirus cases shows a slight slowdown, falling 50 points since yesterday, the lowest difference in recent weeks. All the indicators of the sixth wave continue to fall, especially daily infections, 22,194, and deaths, 173.

Slight slowdown in the rate of decline in incidence with 22,000 infections and 173 deaths

Two men consume at the bar of a bar in San Sebastián after the restrictions are lifted. EFE/Javier Etxezarreta

After the weekend, the incidence fell 133 points this Monday compared to Friday and 65 compared to Thursday, so a slight slowdown is observed.

The accumulated incidence stands at 735 cases per 100,000 (786 yesterday), still in a situation of very high risk of transmission until it drops below 500 cases.

Only Galicia (1,194 cases) and Murcia (1,040) are above a thousand cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

At the other extreme, Melilla (392) and Andalusia (419).

By age brackets the incidence was low in all groups, with 12 to 19 year-olds leading the way with 1,074 cases, followed by 20 to 29 with 853 and under 11 with 847 cases.

The infections: 22,194

Health It has reported 22,194 infections since yesterday, the lowest daily figure in recent weeks and far from the more than 300,000 that were reached after a weekend at the peak of the sixth wave.

Since the start of the pandemic in Spain there are already 10,880,194 coronavirus infections on record.

The positivity rate of diagnostic tests still down to 20.39% vs. 21.32 yesterday.

Deaths: 173 deaths

The Ministry of Health has reported 173 more deaths, one of the lowest figures in recent days since 464 were reported yesterday, and there are cases that are due to delays in communication.

The total number of deaths since records are available in this pandemic is 98,635.

The drop in hospital occupancy continues

The ICUs are at 12.77% bed occupancy with 1,185 patients, 39 fewer since yesterday and at medium risk (between 10 and 5%).

All the autonomous communities are below the very high risk of occupation (25%). Catalonia is the one with the most occupation (23.93%) and Galicia the one with the least, 3.36%, in a new normality.

In Spanish hospitals, on the ward and ICU, there are 8,859 covid patients (7.13% occupancy), 505 fewer patients than last Friday and in a situation of medium risk (5 to 10% of occupied beds).

In the last 24 hours, 747 people have been admitted due to covid and 1,268 have been discharged.

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