The incidence of coronavirus drops from 2,000 cases with 335 more deaths

The incidence of coronavirus drops 301 points after the weekend and is below 2,000 cases (1,997) per 100,000 inhabitants. The Ministry of Health has reported 335 deaths and 120,818 more infections.

The incidence of coronavirus drops from 2,000 cases with 335 more deaths

Archive photo of a terrace in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. EFE/Ramon de la Rocha

The sixth wave follows its decrease in the 14-day cumulative incidence of coronavirus to 1,997 cases per 100,000 compared to 2,299 last Friday.

All regions They are down with Catalonia at the head of the incidence with 3,139 cases (3,825 on Friday) followed by Murcia (3,089) and Valencia (3,015).

At the other extreme, Andalusia stands out with 701 cases and Galicia with 798, according to data released this Monday by the Ministry of Health.

For age bracketsthe low incidence in all groups, especially in those under 11 years of age with 3,489 cases per 100,000 (4,277 last Friday).

Mortality: 335 more deaths

Despite the drop in all indicators, mortality registers one of the highest figures reported in this sixth wave, 335, although there may be deaths reported late by the autonomous communities.

With a date of death in the last 7 days there are 655 people and 94,570 since the start of this health crisis.

The infections: 120,818 after the weekend

According to the Ministry of Health, there have been 120,818 more infections and a total of 10,395,471 since the start of the pandemic in Spain.

The p positivity ratediagnostic tests continues to drop to 31.69%.

Less pressure on hospitals

The ICUs are at 19.56% bed occupancy with 1,838 patients, 42 fewer since Friday.

Catalonia has lowered the pressure on critical units by dropping to 36% since last week it was still at 40%.

In Spanish hospitals, on the ward and ICU, there are 15,991 covid patients (12.8% occupancy), 335 fewer after the weekend.


In total there are 38.3 million citizens, 90.9% of the population over 12 years of age with the full schedule of the covid vaccine.

In addition, 22.2 million people have already received the booster dose, 77% of those over 40 years of age.

55.6% of children aged 5 to 11 years (1.8 million of 3.3 million) have received the first dose of the vaccine since the campaign began on December 15.

The rate of child vaccination in the autonomous communities is uneven, in the Balearic Islands it does not reach 34%, while Galicia has vaccinated 81.9% of the pediatric population.

About Jose Alexis Correa Valencia

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