Valledupar: protests by taxi drivers due to insecurity - Other Cities - Colombia

Valledupar taxi drivers block one of the main entrances of the capital of Cesar, against the growing insecurity that is whipping them.

(Also read: This is how they face bacteria that attack fruits in Cesar)

The protest has been registered since the early hours of this Wednesday, on the Valledupar-Bosconia road (Cesar), where nearly one hundred drivers participate, denouncing the lack of protection conditions.

A colleague went to work and was wounded with a knife to the head by two criminals

The alert was generated after a taxi driver was injured, in the middle of a robbery recorded the night before, in a sector of this city.

“A colleague went out to work and was wounded with a knife to the head by two criminals, who also took his belongings. Right now there is a debate between life and death in a hospital center,” said Alfonso Luna, one of the spokesmen for this guild.

According to the report of the taxi drivers union, so far this year they have resulted affected 27 of his colleaguesseven of them injured in the middle of robberies.

After the escalation of attacks and robberies, they demand forceful security measures from the authorities.

“We go out to work with the creed in our mouths. We are tired of robberies and being attacked by criminals, they steal what little we have,” Luna stressed.

traffic chaos in the city

At this time other roads are also blocked, such as the Alfonso Lopez airport of this town, which has generated vehicular chaos in much of the city.

“We want greater controls and the reactivation of a more efficient support network, because we are affected in highly dangerous sectors of this city,” stressed the taxi driver.

(You may be interested: Crimes of three women, in isolated events, shock Valledupar)

Taxi union meeting

Arturo Calderón, secretary of the municipal government, announced a meeting with the taxi drivers’ union to address this problem.

“They have been requesting a lighting system on the roofs of vehicles to prevent these emergencies. We are advancing actions to meet your request, “said the official.

high crime

The Secretary of Municipal Government recognized that Valledupar has a high incidence of crime, for which he proposes reinforcement of inter-institutional strategies to fight it.

In this sense, he made a call to the Ministry of the Interior, Government of Cesar, Prosecutor’s Office and Police, to strengthen the security of the city.

“We need a common bag between these entities, since more technology is required. We also require an increase in police force to capture criminals. We have saturated police stations with detainees for theft. Institutions can pool economic resources to improve this technological system,” Calderón pointed out.

Ludys Ovalle Jacome
Special for WEATHER

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