News from Colombia and the world from January 31 to February 4, 2022 - Other Cities - Colombia

A new global strategy of the National Police against drug trafficking and the definition of who reaches the presidency of Italy, among the main topics of the following week.

Time is running out for the Hope Center Coalition

Hope Center Coalition.

Hope Center Coalition.

Next Friday, February 4, the deadline given by the National Electoral Council (CNE) expires so that the coalitions that want to participate in the inter-party consultations on Sunday, March 13, inform which pre-candidates will be in competition.

So far it has been officially registered Team for Colombia, in which former mayors Federico Gutiérrez, Alejandro Char and Enrique Peñalosa, and senators David Barguil (Conservative Party) and Aydeé Lizarazon (Mira Movement) will compete.

Likewise, the pre-candidates of the Historical Pact Gustavo Petro, Francia Márquez and Arelis Uriana. The unknown focuses on the Hope Center Coalition, in which some internal issues must be resolved to comply with the registration of who will be in the March consultation.

(You can also read: With the debates, the electoral campaign started firmly)

Strategy against drug trafficking

cocaine seizure

Seizure of 1.1 tons of cocaine that was on its way to Spain.


Anti-narcotics Police

The National Police will present – ​​on February 3 and 4 – in Cartagena, the global strategy of comprehensive impact against drug trafficking ‘Esmeralda’, which encompasses a more plural concept to face the problem of cocaine trafficking on the premise that Colombia is the largest producer of the drug worldwide.

The event will be installed by the Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, and will include exponents such as the prosecutor Francisco Barbosa, who will refer to the impact of criminal income; the Minister of Justice, Wilson Ruiz, who will speak about artificial intelligence for drug control, and the director of the National Police, General Jorge Luis Vargas, who will present the scope of ‘Esmeralda’.

In the same way, prevention issues will be analyzed, in the business field, and there will be a tribute to the uniformed men who have offered their lives in the fight against drugs.

(Also: They seize a shipment of coconuts that hid liquid cocaine)

On Wednesday, the Prosecutor’s Office will present victims with a pre-agreement with Jhonier Leal

Lawyer Elmer Montaña confirmed that the prosecution already reached an agreement with the defendant John Leal which must be presented before a judge who will have to decide whether or not to endorse the negotiation that includes the penalty he will pay for the murder of his brother Mauricio Leal, and his mother, Marlene Hernandez.

He indicated that the Prosecutor’s Office summoned them to a meeting next Wednesday in Cali to publicize the scope of the pre-agreement that takes place after johnier accept the charges filed.

Who will be the new president of Italy?

Sergio Mattarella

Current President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella


Francesco Ammendola / Reuters

Italy is still waiting to know who will be the new president of the country after the political parties failed to reach an agreement on the candidate for the position.

The functions of the president are essentially honorary in Italy, where the parliamentary system rules, but this year the role of mario draghi, current Prime Minister, a personality of great weight and prestige, whose election to the Presidency would put the government in crisis.

At the same time, other names circulate for the position, among them that of the former president of the Chamber of Deputies, Pier Ferdinando Casini; the current president of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati, as well as that of the experienced diplomat Elisabetta Belloni.

(More international news: What’s the report on Boris Johnson’s controversial parties?)

Safety in Bogota

Overview of Bogota

In the middle of the strategy security and intervention of 8 localities that advances the Mayor’s Office and all the entities of the district, the administration announced that Ciudad Bolívar will be the third locality visited after Kennedy and Engativá. The Mayor’s Office is expected to deliver the first results on security in this area next Thursday.

(You can continue reading: Was there negligence in the death of a driver lynched by indigenous people?)

About Jose Alexis Correa Valencia

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