The evolution of the sixth wave of covid in Spain continues to decline

“All the data indicates that we have bent the curve” of the incidence of covid-19, the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, assured this Friday in Palma, who, however, has appealed for prudence regarding the end of the sixth pandemic wave

Darias affirms that all the data indicates that the curve of the sixth wave has doubled

The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, visits the Son Llàtzer University Hospital, a beneficiary center of the High Technology Investment Plan (INVEAT) in Palma de Mallorca, this Friday. EFE / Cati Cladera

Darias, who visited the Son Llàzer hospital in Palma this morning accompanied by the Balearic Minister of Health, Patricia Gómez, highlighted that in the wave dominated by the omicron variant, despite the fact that the incidence has multiplied by seven compared to the third wave, which occurred a year ago, “hospitalization, ICUs and deaths are much lower.”

This difference, he stressed, is explained by the “very high vaccination coverage” and by the lower virulence of the omicron variant.

The minister has indicated that, in coordination with the Autonomous Communities and with the European institutions, her department is working on the design of a new phase of containment of covid-19 in which “from emergency surveillance to surveillance by objectives, and of better quality than the current one».

Today’s data and balance of the week

In line with the minister’s statements, today’s data continues to reflect the decline in the indicators of the evolution of the pandemic in this sixth wave, although with 199 deaths in a single day.

The new cases are 118,922, up to a total of about 10 million (9,779,130).

Between Friday of last week, January 21, and this Friday, 803,672 infections are recorded.

The accumulated incidence drops 61 points and stands at 3,078 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The balance of the week shows a drop of 340 points of accumulated incidence since last Friday it reached the maximum figure with 3,418.

Catalonia is together with the Valencian Community the only communities that slightly increase the incidence compared to yesterday. Catalonia is also in first place in this figure with 5,352, while Andalusia is in last place (1,076).

Po age groups all fell slightly except for those under 11 years of age, who rose, are in the first place of incidence and figure 5,813 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

hospital pressure

The hospital pressure of covid patients continues to drop both on the ward and in the ICUs, in relation to yesterday and also compared to last Friday.

In the week, there are 282 fewer hospitalized: today 18,393 (14.7%) and last Friday 18,675.

In the ICUs, the weekly decrease has been 142 patients, today with 2,060 (21.7 percent).

This Friday’s registrations continue to exceed income: 2,305 registrations compared to 2,049 admissions.

The positivity by PCR has dropped in seven days six tenths, going from 38 percent a week ago to 37.4% today.


The deceased registered in the last 24 hours are 199, up to an official total of 92,966.

The weekly balance of deaths is 1,225, with an average of 175 per day.

Caution in Spain in the face of the first cases of the “stealth omicron”

Madrid, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands have been the first communities to detect cases of the “stealth omicron” (the BA.2 sublineage), whose advance, for the moment, is taken with caution but without special concern among health authorities and experts.

This subvariant of omicron, which differs from the original in some mutations, including the spike protein, has already spread to some 40 countries, such as Denmark, the United Kingdom or India, which is why the World Health Organization has requested that it be monitor its development.

In total, up to 5 cases have been detected in Spain, according to the data communicated by these three communities until Thursday, a figure that is expected to increase in the coming days because it is assumed to be highly transmissible, although it is more difficult to detect in certain diagnostic tests. , which is why it has been baptized as “stealthy or silent”.

The Minister of Health explained yesterday in Congress that Ba.2 behaves “similarly” to BA.1, although she has said it “with all prudence”, because it is still under evaluation.

omicron myths
Test to detect the omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 at the Bangalore train station (India). EFE/EPA/IDREES MOHAMMED

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