Barranquilla: mobile political advertising rules 2022 - Barranquilla - Colombia

Before the election day that is approaching (March 13) for the Congress of the Republic, the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla regulated mobile political advertising or vehicle policy guideline.

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In accordance with the legal provision, this type of advertising must occupy an area less than or equal to 70 percent of the surface of the side where the advertising material is installed.

The size of the guideline is what determines if the driver has to pay a monthly amount of up to 233,000 pesos in white plate cars or 100,000 pesos if it is yellow plate.

Another modality is micro-perforated advertising, which does not hinder the driver’s visibility and is located on the rear window of the vehicle.

This modality is exempt from the procedure, that is, it does not need to be legalized, as reported by the District.

He also indicated that it is appropriate for citizens supporters of a candidateparty, political movement, social movement or significant group of citizens only within the electoral calendar for the Congress of the Republic.

In this sense, those in charge of ensuring compliance with this regulation through controls and operations will be the Secretariat of Urban Control and Public Space and the Secretariat of Traffic and Road Safety.

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These are the penalties

Expand the opportunities for said parties and movements to use these spaces

The Mayor explained that apply offense B11consisting of driving a vehicle with propaganda, advertising or stickers on its windows that hinder visibility.

This corresponds to a sanction with eight current monthly legal minimum wages (SMLMV), which is equivalent to 249,686 pesos.

Actions taken by the District are reported to the National Electoral Council and forwarded to the urban process area so that they initiate the pertinent actions according to their competence.

This procedural action can generate fines that range from one and a half to 40 current monthly legal minimum wages.

“With reference to this provision on mobile advertising, it is to expand the opportunities for said parties and movements to use these spaces to place their advertising without any formality before our secretariat,” said the Secretary of Urban Control and Public Space, Ángelo Cianci .


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