Daniel Quintero says that appeals for revocation will not be certified - Medellín - Colombia

The controversy surrounding the financial statements of the recall committee of the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quinterowhich must be certified by the National Electoral Council (CNE), as a procedure for voting to be called to define whether or not the president continues in office.

This Saturday, February 27, Mayor Quintero spoke on his Twitter account about this procedure and assured that the recall “was dead.”

“As we warned, the recall is dead, the National Financing Fund of the CNE, through official letter I-2022-001385-FNFPCE-900 refrained from certifying recall accounts due to irregularities in financing and audios that revealed corrupt practices of promoters,” tweeted the local president.

However, This official document has not been released by the CNE, which has not made a statement on the matter either.

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For his part, Andrés Felipe Rodríguez, spokesman for the Pact for Medellin, questioned whether Mayor Quintero knew the filer’s number, a fact that ensures that they did not even have it.

“The only true thing about that tweet is the filing number, but we as promoters of the recall have not even sent us the document, but a question does arise: do you have the document? who gave it to him? Why are you assuring things that are not true?” Rodríguez said.

And he ended with the following statement: “Do you know what is dead? Your administration, that is dead.”

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Days before, the recall committee had assured, also via Twitter, that the financial statements had been approved.

“It seems that yesterday we were taken into account in the full room and according to a call I just received, the financial statements were approved. I warn: I still do not have an official confirmation from the CNE, I know that it goes to electoral management“says the trill.

Thus, the only thing left to do is wait for the CNE to make an official statement to find out whether or not a vote will be called to remove the mayor of Medellín.

Quintero has made several complaints about irregularities in financing. Among them, resources from the Medellin Council were used to pay for a meter.


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