Elections 2022: MOE warns about electoral risk in the Atlantic - Elections 2022

25 days before the elections Congress of the republic, in the department of Atlantic The first alarms are already going off that show the level of risk of electoral fraud.

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This is evidenced by the citizen complaints that alert about the way in which the electoral machines for people to go out and vote.

The complaints have been collected Electoral Observation Mission (MOE) in the Atlantic, assures the coordinator in this area of ​​the country Jorge Hernandez Hayek.

“What they have informed us the most is about the delivery of markets,” says Hernández, referring to the movements in rural areas of delivery of material aid in exchange for votes.

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The coordinator of the EOM in the Atlantic ensures that they have complaints that it is also being offered won by votes. “There are already candidate offers,” she said.

The electoral risk in the Atlantic

The EOM and the northern University carried out a study on the electoral situation in the department, where the consolidated risk maps of the 2018 and 2022 elections are compared.

The study shows that there are 20 municipalities, out of the 23 in the Atlantic, in which the level of risk due to the coincidence of factors indicative of electoral fraud and violence is maintained.


Usiacurí, known as ‘the manger of the Atlantic’, is the municipality with the highest electoral participation in the country.

According to the EOM, Atlántico has 4 municipalities that present risks due to violence, 19 municipalities due to an indicative risk of fraud in the Senate and 20 in the House of Representatives.

The municipalities where factors indicative of electoral fraud and factors of violence coincide are Barranquilla with high risk and Puerto Colombia and Sabanalarga with medium risk.

For the Atlantic regional coordinator of the EOM, it is necessary that institutional efforts be concentrated in these municipalities in such a way that possible irregularities can be detected during the elections.

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Hernández explains that among the factors of violence that could affect the elections on March 13 in cities like Barranquilla, is the presence of gangs or micro-trafficking gangs that could prevent people from going out to vote in the neighborhoods where they are present.

The threat of the violent

The municipalities that present risks due to violence, with a high index, are: The District of Barranquilla, followed by the municipalities of Puerto Colombia, Sabanalarga and Soledad with medium risk.

The report also indicates that for the elections for the House of Representatives, the municipalities of Piojó, Sabanagrande, Suan, Tubará and Usiacurí with extreme risk. For their part, the municipalities of Baranoa, Campo de la Cruz, Candelaria, Juan de Acosta, Manatí and Santa Lucía are at high risk.

Finally, with medium risk are Barranquilla, Luruaco, Palmar de Varela, Polonuevo, Ponedera, Puerto Colombia, Repelón, Sabanalarga and Santo Tomás.

Indicative of fraud for Senate

For the Senate, in the panorama of electoral risks, Juan de Acosta, Piojó, Santo Tomás, Suan and Usiacurí stand out with extreme risk. In turn, the municipalities of Baranoa, Campo de la Cruz, Candelaria, Luruaco and Tubará are at high risk. Finally, there are Manatí, Palmar de Varela, Polonuevo, Ponedera, Puerto Colombia, Repelón, Sabanagrande, Sabanalarga and Santa Lucía with medium risk.

The municipalities with the highest electoral participation

It should be remembered that in the Atlantic are the municipalities with the greatest participation for the Parliamentary election in the country.

Is the case Usiacuri, which was the one with the highest participation. There, with 7,822 people on the electoral roll, there was a turnout of 6,472 people, that is, 83 percent. They are followed by Polonuevo (76.4 percent) and Tubará (75.3 percent).

Correspondent EL TIEMPO Barranquilla
Write me at leoher@eltiempo.com

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