Enrique Vives: families of victims with agreements and drop charges - Other Cities - Colombia

The families of the six young people who were run over by a van driven by the businessman Enrique Vives Knight They reached an agreement with the insurer and received compensation for the consequences caused by the tragic accident that occurred on September 13, 2021 in the Gaira sector.

(Also read: Enrique Vives: key witness denounces that they have not paid their reward)

The lawyer Rodríguez Martínez, representative of two of the victims, acknowledged Vives Caballero’s interest in getting his vehicle policy to become effective quickly and to be able to deliver the economic sum that corresponded to the relatives of the four women and two men who hit while driving drunk.

The insurer relied on a table where the affected person’s condition is specified, that is, the amount of money depended, according to age, dependents

“The accused person maintained a position of help and through his team of lawyers exercised good management that made timely and effective payment possible. In these types of cases, the process normally takes time, however, it can be said that it was compensation in record time, “said the lawyer.

Martínez explained that the negotiations with each family were independent and reserved, and the amount varied according to the characteristics of the victim.

“The insurer relied on a table specifying the condition of the affected party, that is, the amount of money depended, according to age, dependents and other important aspects,” said Rodrigo Martínez, who added that each indemnified actor signed a document that prohibits revealing the amount delivered.

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They renounce the process against Enrique Vives

They asked the Prosecutor’s Office to modify the judicial conduct from eventual intent to negligent homicide for which it must respond

Although there is no economic amount that can compensate for the life that was lost, the lawyer reported that all the families, without exception, decided accept the demands that the insurance company raised in the sense of waiving the charges and the entire legal process that they were carrying out against Enrique Vives.

“It is already a fact that the victims are not going to continue the criminal action against the driver, and they also asked the Prosecutor’s Office to modify the judicial conduct from eventual intent to negligent homicide for which they must respond,” said the jurist.

In any case, it is an autonomous decision of the accusing entity if it takes into account the request of the families or maintains its position of taking Vives Caballero to trial and severely sentencing.

For the time being, as requested by the judge, the Prosecutor’s Office has already handed over to the businessman’s defense the evidence in his possession to point him out as the main responsible of the road tragedy that left six dead and an injured teenager.

The preparatory hearing is scheduled for March 3, where the accusing body and Vives’ lawyer will defend their version with evidence and technical arguments about what happened the morning of the accident on the dual carriageway in the Gaira sector.

Roger Urieles
For THE WEATHER Santa Marta

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