In Medellín this year 154 people have already been displaced according to the Personería - Medellín - Colombia

Only in the month of January of this year, the Personería de Medellín registered that 154 people live the scourge of forced displacement.

This figure, compared to the same period in 2021, shows a decrease of 426 people, since during January of the previous year there were 580 reports of displaced people.

According to this agency of the Public Ministry, in total 45 municipalities with origin of these victims have been reported during January 2022among which are the municipalities of Bello, Quibdó, Apartadó, Turbo, Sabanalarga, Bagadó, Dipurdú, Arauca, Dabeiba, Ituango, Caucasia, San Rafael, Chigorodó, among others.

The population that has most reported being affected is men, up to now with 79 cases, followed by women with 75. Among the main reasons for this scourge reported to the Ombudsman of the capital of Antioquia, forced displacement is in the first place, followed by for threats, homicide, crimes against freedom and sexual integrity and forced disappearance.

William Yeffer Vivas Lloreda, representative of Medellín, explained that this decrease both in the declarations and in the total number of victims of forced displacement for January 2022, may be related to the lack of personnel of the Permanent Unit for Human Rights -UPDH- Who handles these types of complaints?

Due to this situation, the Regional Attorney’s Office reports care as of January 31, 2022, 71 declarations and 254 people affected, while the Ombudsman’s Office reports that it has dealt with 171 statements.

“We have carried out an analysis and we have identified that the phenomenon of displacement in the city of Medellín does not stop, it is increasing, we have collected the figures from the Personería, what the Attorney General’s Office and the Ombudsman’s Office have done and we found that there is an increase worrying about the displacement to the city of Medellín, an increase of 22% in relation to January 2021, “explained the personero.

Intra-urban displacement

Regarding intra-urban forced displacement in Medellín, a decrease of 128 people has been registered for January 2022 compared to the same month of the previous year, due to the fact that for January 2021, there were 155 cases of people victims of this fact, while for January of this year was 27 people, which represents a decrease of 82.58%; which revealed motives such as threats, forced displacement, forced disappearance and homicide.

The communes that present the most cases are; Commune 12 – La América, Commune 13 – San Javier, Commune 4 – Aranjuez, Commune 8 – Villa Hermosa and Commune 7 – Robledo.

The most affected population in this displacement have been women, so far 14 have denounced while 13 men go. Likewise, those involved in this situation, according to the victims, are neighborhood criminal organizations, the public force, a paramilitary group and unidentified groups.


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