Metro de Medellín: union demanded security measures from the company - Medellín - Colombia

Through posters that were installed in the stations, the Medellín Metro Union (Sintrametro) demanded urgent measures from the company to guarantee the safety and the lives of workers.

In another of these pieces, it was criticized that the company and some media used the word “incident” for what happened on February 3, when Carlos Mario López Correa and Gustavo Adolfo Atehortúa lost their lives while inspecting the railway.

In another of the posters, which have already been dismantled, it is requested that issues such as security, equality and rights be prioritized.

According to Sintrametro, the company has not trained all workers on the new signaling system, delivered on November 30, and continues to schedule activities without implementing actions to prevent these tragedies from happening again.

We put the phrase #NiUnoMenos because it is not the first fatal accident that occurs in the Medellin Metro

“We put the phrase #NiUnoMenos because it is not the first fatal accident that occurs in the Medellín Metro. We as a union intend to raise awareness, both with employees and with users,” Claudia Patricia Montoya, told EL TIEMPO. president of Sintrametro.

Among the cases that Montoya mentions is the one that occurred on February 25, 2018, on line C, in which Santiago Echeverría Vergara, 22, who worked as a security guard for the Atlas Company in the Metro, died. Medellin and was run over by a train “while doing surveillance work on the track”.

On the other hand, there is the death of Aldeiber de Jesús Perafán, Infrastructure Operations Assistant, who lost his life on April 10, 2018 while performing maintenance work on the escalators of the San Antonio station.

“In the accident that occurred on February 3, they were carrying out some inspection activities on the roads under a system called ‘Own Assurance’ and it is evident that something went wrong. That the investigations reveal the truth, provide justice. We intend that as long as the result is not given, there are no more entrances to the roads with colleagues with this type of insurance,” Montoya detailed.

The Own Insurance Model means that the commercial service continues and the workers give the alertone of them acting as a lookout, so the union considers that this work should not be carried out by just two people.

When asked about the issue, the Metro company responded: “In the Metro we are respectful of trade union rights, their activities and their opinions. Throughout 26 years of service, the company has always had life as a priority and therefore therefore the security of the Servers and users”.


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