Santa Marta: 3-year-old girl drowned in a tank - Other Cities - Colombia

A three-year-old baby drowned after falling into a bucket in the patio of her home, in the road to MincaTres Puentes sector, Santa Marta.

(Also read: Santa Marta, at risk of water shortages due to the dry season)

According to the version of the relatives, the infant was playing and had the accident that cost her her life.

Her parents, who were in another part of the house, began looking for her when they noticed the absence of their daughter, until they found her submerged in the container.

They immediately helped her and transferred her to a clinic, but it was too late. Doctors reported that the minor had drowned.

In any case, the Police and entities for children and adolescents start an investigation to establish the exact causes of his death.

(You may be interested in: Woman stabbed her husband to the heart in Santa Marta)

a moment of carelessness

The family indicated that, because they do not have a 24-hour drinking water service in the house, they tend to store the water resource in large buckets.

Unfortunately, none of them noticed that the three-year-old girl went to the patio and ended up inside some containers.

“It was a matter of a few minutes. We desperately looked for her everywhere until we realized that she was drowning, ”said a neighbor who was also in the house.

​Roger Urieles
For THE WEATHER Santa Marta

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