Spain dismantles an international criminal network responsible for introducing cocaine into Europe through Spanish ports

Courtesy: Free Tribune

BOGOTA COLOMBIA). Friday, February 18, 2022 (RPTV NEWS AGENCY). To eradicate the power of this criminal group, a rigorous international work team was created led by the Civil Guard, in which the US agency DEA, EUROPOL, the Brazilian Federal Police and the Belgian Federal Police have participated, all under the direction of the Central Court of Instruction No. 1 of the National High Court

They are held responsible for the introduction into our country of more than 4 tons of cocaine, all of them intervened by the Civil Guard in Spain, coming from countries such as Colombia, Brazil and Ecuador.

Overall, in all the actions carried out in the different countries involved, 28 people have been arrested, several of them High Value Targets (HVT) for EUROPOL, as well as the apprehension of more than 8 tons of cocaine

Dismantled an international criminal organization responsible for the introduction of tons of cocaine into Europe through different Spanish ports

The Civil Guard, within the framework of the TURIA operation, has managed to dismantle one of the most active criminal organizations with regard to the introduction of large consignments of narcotics through the main Spanish seaports destined for Europe.

The investigation began more than a year ago, when the Civil Guard, through its Central Operational Unit (UCO), focused its efforts on the criminal activity of the main ports of our country, given the proliferation of different seizures of cocaine, Many of them follow the same criminal pattern.

In this way, already in April of last year, the Organized Crime Teams (ECOs) of the Central Operational Unit based in Alicante and Pontevedra, prevented the departure of 300 kilograms of cocaine from the Port of Valencia, proceeding to the arrest of 3 people, who, using a vehicle authorized to operate in that port, extracted the described substance from a container, hidden in a container coming from Brazil by the well-known method of “blind hook” or “lost hook”.

Ambitious international police operation.

As a result of this intervention and all the information obtained from it and other previous ones, an ambitious international police operation was launched, with the full involvement of the Civil Guard together with the Brazilian, North American and Belgian authorities, as well as EUROPOL.

During this time, all the participating Bodies and Agencies have managed to create a rigorous work team through several coordination meetings in different countries, which has allowed them to meet and identify the main leaders of this important criminal network, from Dubai ( UAE) to Brazil, as well as the seizure, in different interventions, of more than 3,900 kilograms of cocaine in Spain alone, all of them carried out by the Civil Guard within this work team.

TURIA-TURFE operation; Simultaneous performances in Spain and Brazil

In this way, this very week the final phase of this important operation has been carried out, acting simultaneously and in a coordinated manner in Spain and Brazil, for which UCO agents have been transferred to that country, as well as Brazilian agents and EUROPOL have done it to Spain, achieving the total dismantling of the investigated organization.

As far as Spain is concerned, 7 people related to these events have been arrested, 4 of them in the province of Barcelona in 5 searches carried out, 400 kilograms of cocaine having been seized in an industrial warehouse inside a maritime container coming from Brazil and arriving at the port of Barcelona. In addition, as a result of one of the searches, an indoor marijuana plantation with more than 300 plants has been intervened, as well as several high-end vehicles, encrypted mobile phone devices of great interest for research, jewelry and the blocking of more than 20 bank accounts of different companies linked to this criminal group, created to facilitate the importation of drugs and the transfer of money.

High Value Targets for Europol (HVT)

Simultaneously, the Brazilian Federal Police, in what they have called operation TURFE and in which agents from the Central Operational Unit transferred to that country for that purpose have participated, have proceeded to carry out 30 house searches, producing in some of them intense exchanges of fire with the police, as well as the arrest of 20 people, among which are several High Value Targets (HVT) for the European agency.

The operation has been carried out by the Civil Guard through its Organized Crime Teams (ECO’s) and the Central Anti-Drug Group, both belonging to the Central Operational Unit, together with the US DEA, the Brazilian Federal Police and from Belgium also EUROPOL, all directed by the Central Investigating Court number 1 and the Special Anti-Drug Prosecutor’s Office, both of the National High Court.










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